This review focuses on a brand new service called Wealth Academy and I am going to show you inside the member's area so you can get a full view of what the strategies and training modules are like. This is a ClickBank product and comes with a 60 day money back guarantee.
Are they going to help you make money online? Let's find out!
This product is essentially a rehashing, a rebranding, and a relaunch of a duplicate product called Smart Money Methods - a product I wrote a review about not long ago. The content inside is virtually identical, but it has been renamed and rebranded to be resold as a new service.
There is additional content inside including further learning and more advanced methods, but mostly it is the same product. The added content involves more detailed visto tutorials about Facebook remarketing and social media platforms like Snapchat.
I have purchased a copy of Wealth Academy for $24.95, and I'm going to tell you what I think about the training inside.
This review is based on my personal opinion as an affiliate marketer and as a customer of this training module. I do my best to dissect the strategies and the thinking behind the methods they teach to determine if this product will help you make money online.
What Is Wealth Academy?
Wealth Academy is a collection of strategies and methods you can use to make money online as an affiliate marketer. You are taught a few of the following aspects
- how affiliate marketing works
- how CPA (cost per action) marketing works
- how to use social media to drive traffic to your website
- how to make money on Amazon
- and much more...

Inside one of the video tutorials!
The idea here is that you use all these methods in conjunction with each other and then drive traffic to your website to create an online income.
Due to the large volume of different traffic sources and monetisation methods at your disposal, you can find a unique angle to capture to drive traffic to your website.
For example:
You could build a simple review based website where you review a certain kind of product and then you can drive traffic from YouTube to the site where you promote CPA offers. When somebody opts into a CPA offer, you then earn a commission from the vendor.
Another example could be:
You could create a simple personally branded websites where you write content about makeup and beauty. You then have a Snapchat channel where your followers follow you for your unique and valuable content.
Whenever you do a product review, you can do Snapchat story where you send traffic to your review pages. These pages are then monetised with product placements on Amazon or with an e-commerce website. You then earn commissions when somebody buys one of your product placements.
NOTE - these are obviously simply a couple of random examples. You can use any product or strategy to drive traffic to your website. These were a couple of examples to give you a taste.

Inside the members area!
The Main Issue You Will Face!
The main issue I have with this training is the outdated nature of it. So if somebody asked me if a beginner would make money by using these strategies, my answer would have to be "no!".
The methods themselves are real, and the majority of them will result in positive feedback and earnings, but things have changed the last five years.
These changes mean that the user engagement and the customer flow and also the user intent has now changed in relation to the dashboard layouts and the overall customer satisfaction.
The purchase cycle of the average social media user is now so different from what I was five years ago, and so when someone uses training material which is five years out of date, I think it unlikely that they are going to see great results.
Most of the training inside Wealth Academy is from 2014 and 2015, but we are now in 2018, and things have changed quite a lot in the last 3/4 years.
A complete beginner who has never made a single commission online is unlikely to make a commission by using this training because it is so dated.
Will You Make Money Using The Strategies Inside?
One huge issue any newbie affiliate marketer will face when they follow this training is that so many of the options and features on the tutorial videos will not match what is current in today's interface.
For example, when you learn about Facebook advertising, a lot of the features and buttons have now been renamed or removed altogether - especially after the recent GDPR fiasco where Facebook had a significant restructuring of their advertising platform.
The next issue you will face is that the training can be potentially dangerous for you. Please remember that all social media platforms continuously update and readjust their terms and conditions and terms of service.
That means that something which was acceptable five years ago will now get your account banned or suspended.
So, if you were to follow the training provided inside Wealth Academy, you may very well find yourself in the naughty corner when you try and submit an ad, or you implement specific strategies to try and make money.
An excellent example of this is a weight loss niche or the make money online niche. A few years ago it was relatively easy to advertise and promote these niches on Facebook, but in recent years it has become challenging.
Most adverts, which would have been approved five years ago, are now rejected, and if you continuously try and post rejected adverts, your ad account will eventually be banned.
So I'm sure you can see that if you follow the training they provide you with you could be landing in hot water very soon.

Hugely exaggerated sales claims with sales page!
Is The Training Worth The Money?
In my opinion, it is not worth paying for this training. As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, the training is not up to scratch and is too old to be sold for a fee.
Most of the training modules are narrated by a different person which indicates to me that each of these modules inside the member's area are old products which were sold previously but are now given away as freebies. Either that or they are straight up PLR (private label rights) content.
Therefore I do not think the training inside is worth charging for. This is a great shame because I paid almost $30 for my copy, but had I bought the upsells then I would have spent over $300 on the service which is a ludicrous amount.
Need to claim a refund from ClickBank? Here is a tutorial.
Is Wealth Academy A Scam?
I would not say that this is a scam such, but you are being overcharged to the point where you have to question the moral fibre of the person who created this.
The creator of the service knows very well that charging this amount is daylight robbery, especially when you consider how old the content is.
I think this review has shown that the training provided is below par and anyone who is looking for an honest opinions does not need to look much further.
I have backed up my opinion with proof and you can see that content inside is unlikely to help you make money online.
Alternatives To Wealth Academy?
The simplest alternative is to head over to my own training modules at www.takingaction.online. I have over 13 hours worth of content where you can learn variety of ways of making money online.
I teach you about:
- making money with YouTube.
- I show you how to run email marketing campaigns.
- I teach about giving value and how to create content.
- I teach you about the customer engagement cycles.
- I show you examples of my own profits and how I make money.
- and much more!
That is, in my mind, the best alternative! I have a FREE training section available as well. No email is required! 100% Free!
Have you had any experience using Wealth Academy? If so, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment below and we can get the discussion going!