In this review, I am covering SEnuke TNG – a software which promises to boost your website rankings with an effortless and automatic process. This outrageous claim is supposedly done by spreading backlinks throughout the Internet, spinning articles, using proxies to generate fake clicks in the SERPS under your keywords and it is all automatic.
So, I shrugged off my skepticism – for now – and signed up for a free trial. The following are my opinions about this this product.
Avoid at all costs. Using this software can forever ruin your website.
The service itself is not a scam but the methods are outdated and dangerous.
Want to make money online in an honest and organic way? Then check this out!
My Personal Experience
As soon as you land on the homepage of SEnuke TNG, you will see the bold claim: “Rank #1 in Google with Today’s Top Ranking Factors.”

I’m always dubious when I spot a claim to rank at the top of Google, and it instantly turns me off. Especially when it goes on to boast about “manipulating ranking factors like never before.”
Anything that claims to help you manipulate ranking factors is something to be very wary of in this day and age.
There are two versions: SEnuke TNG Lite ($67 a month) and SEnuke TNG Pro ($147 a month):

I opted for the Pro version on the seven-day free trial. I signed up through PayPal, and as soon as I had finished signing up I was able to visit the Membership Information page, from where I could download the SEnuke TNG product:

So How Does It All Work?
The video on the homepage describes the necessary process, and there is also a video section in the membership area that provides more detailed guides on how to get your campaigns set up.
SEnuke TNG describes itself as the “next generation of SEO,” and the whole idea is that it automates the most important ranking factors to get your site ranking for your chosen keywords “effortlessly.”
One of its main focuses is on the need to go beyond publishing content alone to improve your SEO. While links are still a major focus of the product, it also claims that these days you need a higher click-through rate and a lower bounce rate if you want to rank better in the search engine results.
As a result, it has developed a “Crowd Searcher” feature that uses proxies to simulate thousands of real people searching for your keyword and clicking on your site—solving the CTR and bounce rate issues.
It also boasts its use of Optical Character Recognition to solve 50% of CAPTCHAs without the need for human input.
The process of ranking your website seems to be very simple when you use this tool, and indeed this is its main selling point. You simply enter the URL of your website along with the keywords you want to rank for, and then you are all ready to go.
It uses what it calls its “proprietary crowd search process” to do all the work for you, so you can apparently sit back and forget about it while rocketing to the top of the SERPs.
The product also includes a lot of other features such as its ability to create valuable social links, web profiles, press releases, media-rich content, and more—all of which is interlinked and pointing to your site to create an optimized backlink profile.
It also comes with a new “Loop Mode” feature. This allows you to simply set up your campaign once, and it keeps on repeating the campaign for you, so you don’t have to worry about anything.
Why SEnuke Will NOT Help Your SEO
Matt Cutts – the head of Google spam team – has made it perfectly clear that building low-quality backlinks and spinning articles to be spammed across the internet is a BAD way to go.
There is no value in spinning articles because they are incredibly low quality.
If you take this software and think about this realistically for a minute. Google wants original and natural backlinks and SEO.
With that in mind do you really want your URL linked on thousands of low-quality websites, directories, and blogs which SEnuke chooses for you?
Think about these points for a few seconds;
- Where are all these social links, press releases, spun articles and everything else being posted?
- Which websites are these and do they have a good standing with Google?
- Are you being posted to the same locations as ALL the other SEnuke customers? In other words, are you just another spammed URL on a long list of websites which Google has listed under “Spam Tagged Websites.”
- Do you really think a high authority site would allow a software like SEnuke to spam its member area, blog posts and article databases with this kind of links?
What I Liked
For the purposes of this SEnuke TNG review, I was so dubious about the actual product that I did not want to try it out with any of my campaigns—Google penalties are not a laughing matter, and I was wary about the quality of the links.
However, I did like the fact that it provided a 7-day free trial, and it also has a 30-day money back guarantee. So you can try it out and see what you think before getting a refund if you’re not impressed.
It also provides an excellent video training section complete with PDF transcripts so you can learn the whole process quite easily. The videos seemed fairly comprehensive, so you should be able to get up and running without any problems.
It also claims to have a very active forum, and this seems to be more-or-less the case. When I checked it out, there were a number of recent updates on topics like “Niche Research,” “Article Manager,” and “Recovery.”

What I Didn’t Like
To be honest, I didn’t like the whole concept of SEnuke TNG. I’m from the school where hard work and a focus on providing genuine value are what essentially pay off with SEO in the long term. The whole notion of trying to trick the search engines seems quite dangerous to me these days.
Claims to auto-spin your content are nothing to brag about, and the claim to provide “automated authority links” just doesn’t make sense to me.
It says that the product is compatible with the latest changes from Google, but I just don’t see how this can be true. It states that its “customers are immune from any Google slaps,” but I would not want to put that statement to the test.
The whole notion of adding your URL, clicking a button, and suddenly dominating the search engines all seems a bit too good to be true.
In short, I would advise caution with this product.
If It Is All That Bad, Why Are So Many Websites Promoting SEnuke?
Simple, money! The affiliate programs for these kinds of SEO/backlink building/social bookmarking websites are great! The commissions are huge and people are greedy. That is as simple as it gets.
The reason websites like SEnuke sell so well is they rely on new bloggers who are naive, impatient and a little bit greedy themselves – we all want something for nothing – who will buy this service without thinking about the long-term consequences. SEnuke can make any outrageous claims they want because ultimately they know this will sell.

My Honest Opinion About SEnuke TNG
Avoid at all costs. The damage you will do to your website if you used this service will destroy all your hard work. Your URL will be spammed all across the darkest corners of the Internet and eventually Google will slap you right down the rankings.
I firmly believe that companies like SEnuke manipulate naive and greedy people who want to take shortcuts – we all want to “get rich quick” – and have generated very impressive sales videos and websites to complete this illusion.
I would like to conclude my review of SEnuke TNG by saying this; Do not use this service. There is no such thing as guaranteed, easy and “automatic” Google ranking. This is only my opinion, so if you do decide to try it then please let me know how you got on.
After reading more about SEnuke TNG I wanted to update this review with one more piece of information. I think this is relevant.
This service promises a number one ranking and so you would think that there would be thousands of people making a lot of money with this software, right? WRONG!
Check out this screenshot from their “SUCCESS STORIES” on their forum.
But first, here are some dates to think about before you look at the screenshot;
- The Panda algorithm first launched on February 23, 2011
- The Penguin algorithm was implemented on April 24, 2012
- The Hummingbird algorithm was released around August 2013
Now look at these screen shots of the success stories from SEnuke and think about that for a minute – Do you see a correlation between these dates and the success stories stopping?

Food For Thought
Websites which used services like SEnuke TNG are exactly the reason why Google released these changes to the search engines – to rid their top ranking results of low quality, regurgitated spam that is copied and pasted all over the Internet.
The screenshot above clearly shows that there are no success stories because the software does not work. Anyone who uses it will trash their website and drop in the rankings very quickly.
If there were people out there making a lot of money with SEnuke, don’t you think there would be hundreds of fresh threads on this forum with people sharing their joy?
I thought I would add a few more pieces of evidence to further show that you should not use SEnuke to try and improve your SERP rankings or SEO.
If you head over to the Black Hat Forum you will see a discussion there about the first impressions of the TNG software and for the most part, it’s not favorable. Most of the posts agree that the software does not work – even though it may have done before – and they agree it is hugely overpriced.
There is one member who becomes extremely abusive and vocal in an attempt to promote SEnuke and as you can see he has since been banned. This speaks for itself really.
You can also head over to the Warrior Forum where there is another thread about SEnuke and the discussion there is much the same. I will attach a screenshot here so you can see that if you use SEnuke then within a month or two your existing rankings will plummet into the abyss of the SERPS, never to be seen again.
Spamming your website with hundreds or thousands of bogus, low quality backlinks and social links will NOT help your ranking in any way.

Update - January 2018
So, it seems SEnuke TNG is relaunching in a few days so I thought I would give this a little update.
I have looked at the sales page and it has the exact same video as before, promising Page 1 rankings with an automated SERP manipulation process.

Once I enter the next phase I can see there is a new feature called - ALL NEW: ARTICLE MANAGER - which is a tweaked version of the article submission software from the previous version.
This tool allows you to add images, contextual links and external links to authority sites automatically. You can upload your own articles or you can get them from placed such as Kontent Machine which provide incredibly poor quality content which is scraped from the Internet. You can read a full review from Nathaniell about Kontent Machine, would you want to use that? No!
The next new improved feature is the SEO MADE EASY WIZARD & TURBO WIZARD which includes an improved Turbo Wizard which shortens the campaign set up time by 90% to save time and you can also have more control of the scheduling of the campaigns.
There is a comprehensive video which walks you through the new Wizard Dashboard and you are shown how to set up a campaign by combining:
- Social Networking
- Web 2.0 Profiles
- Pinger Services
- Forum Profiles
- Article Spinning
- Keyword Usage
Essentially, this is just an updated version of the old SEnuke which will spam your spun articles and scraped content (plagiarism galore) all over the Internet on low quality websites and sending ranking signals back to your blog with a complex, multi tiered backlinking strategy.
I will say again, I know this software does work and I am not questioning this. I am questioning the method itself - why would you want to use this method when it is so unethical, spammy and uncontrollable. You have NO idea where, when or how the links are created.
Using this method will kill your website if you do not know what you are doing and this is an incredibly dangerous strategy.
This is not up to date:
Judging by the date on the videos that are used to demonstrate the "new" features it shows the date as 2016! So, this is not an update, right? You can see the date in the image below. I am writing this in on the 27th January 2018.

The last "new" feature is the same as I mentioned previously in this review:
- Crowd Searching
- Indexing & Spider
- Captcha solving
- Proxies
These features are further manipulations of the Google Algorithms in order to decrease bounce rates and increase spidered and indexed rates. The proxies are used to hide your identity and to ensure your requests are being processes as if you are a real human and not a bot. Hundreds of proxies simulate 1000's of IP addresses to fool the websites you are spamming.
It is strange that a service which is supposed to be above board and ethical would need to hide it's activities, right? That is because using this service is breaking the Google Guidelines and you have to hide in the shadows.
I have close friends online that use SEnuke to great effect but they are from the school of churn and burn. They never build a website with more than 6 to 12 months in mind. In this time they do make a large amount of money but the site’s are eventually tanked by Google. To put it simply – NEVER use it on a site you are building for the future. Only ever use it on niche sites you are looking for fast traffic/profits and short shelf life. It does work – but not the way the owners will have you believe with their sales page…
Absolutely! The inevitable result is you will be punished by Google for using these kinds of tactics. Perhaps not immediately but in due time.
The best tactic is to focus on natural and organic content/link building. Create a website that will spread in a natural way by engaging the audience and giving them value!
Thanks for the comment Chris! Appreciated.
Hi, the Quantity of work produced is outstanding for your site @ipoopcash/senuke-tng-review-my-honest-opinion
Great content on Making Money With Your Online Empire
Just a few adjustment and you are done!
I like the design of your website it looks really clean. The menu bar looks very nice and easy to navigate. I understand there isn’t much on the website because it is just starting out. Its looking good. So just keep working on it and engage with your users!
Hi Philip! Thank you for the thorough review. It keeps me surprising the way people are ready to go to get easy money. I am just always wondering how sustainable is this? I guess not long as sooner or later Google will punish website for such a cheating, won’t it? and what then?
Yep, you are quite right. Basically, these kind of services do everything they can do manipulate the SERPS.
Yes, these techniques do work but they never last. Within a few months Google catches up and punishes your website.
All the techniques that SEnuke promotes are low quality and spammy. There is no value in this service what so ever. All the positive reviews out there are affiliates who are making a killing by promoting a service which will kill your website rankings.
I’m surprised SEnuke TNG is still around. Back in the day before Google got so darn smart, spamming backlinks worked, but it was a fool’s errand even then.
Any software you can use to game the system Google can find and penalize. When you use software to boost your website it’s like shouting across the internet I’m a cheater. If you have to cheat it must be because you have lousy content. The search engines know this.
Google, Bing, and Yahoo love websites with quality content, but pity the site that cheats for it shall be struck down.
I do understand why this kind of program appeals to soo many people. Using natural SEO methods takes a lot of time and work and many (inlcuding myself) is getting impatient with the lack of results. Is there any other program you think could really work to improve SEO? Or a program that could help you to get traffic in other way.? I don’t want to be “Google slapped” so I am looking for a long term solution.
Thank you
There are a lot of “White Hat SEO Backlink” companies but the problem is that you never truly know who/what or where they are linking to.
I mean, just because these backlinks are clean today does not mean Google will not penalize them in 6 months from now.
Best policy is to stick 100% pure and organic backlinks. If you pay for a single one then you will never be 100% happy that you will not be slapped by Google in the future.
I guess this product targets the people who are looking for instant gratification. It may still work for the short term e.g. 3-6 months as a hit and run profit making niche site. But I believe it will eventually be snuff out by Google completely. What then becomes of the marketer/blogger who relies on products like this to make money? Wouldn’t it be too late to learn the actual honest way of making money online?
Yep, that’s it!
These kind of programs serve only to confuse and manipulate people’s perception of online marketing.
What use is a first page ranking on a website if you will be punished by Google in a matter of weeks or months after. Makes all your hard work setting the website up absolutely meaningless.
The only and best way to learn how to create a long term and stable income is with communities like Wealthy Affiliate.
Totally get where you’re coming from – it’s a bit like going down to your local car dealership buying a brand new Mercedes and then someone says “I can chip that for $300 to make it go faster”.
Yet Merc just spent millions making it good already – go figure. Good sites rank good for a reason
PS I’m actually a BMW driver so you can’t trust a word I say!!!
Hello hello!
This was a very informative post! I’ve never heard of SEnuke TNG before… but after reading this article, I’m quite glad I haven’t! Lol. Yes, to me, it definitely seems on the sketchy side. Usually, automation does NOT equal quality… things require time, effort, and dedication to build up quality websites, content, and services – and by doing THAT, one can become more and more prominent on search engines, because people will find value in what you have to offer, not because you took a “shortcut” route. Besides, I’m preeeeetty sure Google knows quality content when it sees it (or doesn’t). Actually, I KNOW they know, hearing from Matt Cutts. 😉
Thank you for reviewing this and letting us all know! I’ll stick to learning how to build websites up the right way. 😉
Artistically yours,
I am actually interested in this program. Are you a customer of this product? and would you tell me more exactly what technique they use. I see a picture in there but it is too general. Without knowing the detail, I cannot say that it is not worth the try. Also, what is the commission to promote this product? Thanks!
Avoid at all costs. This is a spammy, low quality service.
If you go to their website and have a look in their “forum”.. Then click on the “Success Stories” You can see that there has not been a single post in years.
This software will probably give you a very short term boost in the SERPS – and I do mean short term – before Google will slap you right down the rankings and you will burn down you website in a few weeks.
The technique they use is basically spamming your links and “spun” content all over the Internet on a network of spammy blogs.
I also can’t see how Senuke can work long term, but I must admit that they have a great sales page and great marketing techniques.
This will definitely appeal to bloggers who are tired of the slog and ready to give up on their failed sites.
I am sure the software will work initially until Google catches you out, so if you just want to have mass websites ranking for a little while, go for it.
Hello Philip
Lovely to read your review,as someone just getting started online, im not familiar with many programs out there and l do rely on reviews like yours to make up my mind.
I have read some review, and some get rich ovenight scams.In my opinion, people who believe they can get started today and make $2000 blogging are greedy nothing works that way in life.
Now back to your review.
Reading your post, even in my inexperienced opinion, what they teach at Senuke is for me/you as a website owner not a long term sustainable website.
I don’t think there are automated authority links out there, if there was everyone will be doing it.
The $67 prize tag is really not a beginner friendly of , even with their 7-day free trial, to me, this is one of those over prized products out there.
Spinning articles to me is for someone who is not serious about their website because sooner or later the site will land in the basement google that no SEO can bring it back up.
Thanks for sharing, really enjoyed your review.
Yeah Google always get’s the better of you if you try and Black Hat your way into the rankings. What I never understand is why someone would want to litter their website with poor quality, spun, articles.
You must not have any pride at all in your work if that’s your outlook.
Thanks for taking the time to comment and spread the word about SE NUKE, it ain’t worth the trouble! Write organic, quality and relevant content and you will do great!
Great post! I like learning new things about this field in affiliate marketing and what and which things to look out for! The software seems shady and shouldn’t really be sold especially to those ignorant of the scams and possible consequences associated with them. How is it that this company is allowed to do this if it is so detrimental to the long-term success of one’s website?
Great question, but honestly I do not know. There are so many services and programs out there which are very, very obviously poor quality or a complete scam but there is no “police” as such who can take the sites down. Such a shame because so many people, including me, get ripped off so many times before they finally find their way to success. One of the reasons why I started this website to be honest, to help and guide people and to help them avoid services like SEnuke.
No way to cut corners on SEO!
Maybe you can try it with SEnuke or other similar products and tactics, but soon or later Google(and other search engines) algorithms will kill your progress and your online business.
However, this product can succeed if you are planning a short life web business. A.e. create a gift recommendations website trying to get affiliate sales next month on Valentine’s buying spree.
You build a simple site, use the free trial or the 30 days refund option of SEnuke, get traffic, some sales and when Google blacklist your site the job is done.
Something to think about.
That’s a fair point actually. If your website is going to be a short lived one – and you know it form the start then this could a useful tool. However, I doubt you will make a lot of money with it and for the amount of effort of making a website you may as well go the whole hog and do it properly.
Like you say, Google always catches up with you in the end! 🙂
Hi, Philip and thanks for your review on SEnuke. A friend approached me recently and asked me to join telling me that my business will explode ten-fold. I was actually considering joining but after reading your review, I think its best to keep away.
I’ve put in 9 months of hard work on my site and I dont want to lose all that for short term gain. Cheers
Using SENuke on your site will damage it sooner or later. I am sure there are short term advantages but ultimately Google will punish you spamming your site all over the place one low quality websites.
Thanks or taking the time to leave a comment!
Good Lord, I learn so much more about SEO everyday. I had no idea this type of stuff existed. Thanks for helping us newbies pull our heads out of the sand and look around to see that these types of websites are not “good” deals..
You do need to be careful. Programs like SEnuke are very attractive to newbies, myself included when I first started. Use care and due diligence and you will be fine! 🙂
quite scary that a website that appears so professional and with such a large community writing on the forum, can actually be a scam or almost. I have never heard of SEnuke before, so I started reading this article out of curiosity, thinking it might be some new helpful tool I could use for my website. It’s good that I read this before getting to know SEnuke through some other source, like the greedy bloggers you’re talking about. I am relatively new to online business so it’s very important for me to be able to avoid dangerous products like this before I do massive damage to my wesbites! Thanks for sharing!
Glad you found it useful! Yeah, these kind of services do seem very tempting and I can totally see why people would try them. Everyone wants some magic software that can help them save time when ranking in Google. Unfortunately when it comes to SEnuke – avoid it at all costs. I am sure it will help in the short term but Google will eventually catch up and see your backlinks spammed all over the Internet.
You can’t game Google. They own the rulebook and can just change it up on you if they catch you cheating.
It’s best to think long term. You need your links on high-quality sites. Having a link on a lower quality site hurts your rep.
And when it’s on a site that’s ranked higher than you, it’s like the popular kid at school vouching for your coolness.
Slow and steady wins the ranking race.
This is exactly right. Why try and cheat when eventually you know Google will punish your site for spamming your links all over the place.
Let you links build naturally and slowly, that’s what I say!
Pre-Google Panda days it was common place to buy thousands of low quality backlinks but everyone knew it was black hat SEO – but everyone did it so it was fine. I imagine there were tens of thousands of bloggers hwo went out of business when the new algorithms rolled out.
When will people learn that there are no real shortcuts? You can’t just expect to sit back and watch your site get to the top without good content creation and making the site pleasing to the eye and enjoyable for those reading the articles. Really good thorough review. I could picture the whole process. Thanks again for keeping us away from the scams!
Spreading your backlinks around the Internet with article spinning and guest blogging is not a good idea. using good quality and relevant guest blogging does work wonders but when it is low quality articles being posted on low quality blogs, bad idea.
Too many people think that they can trick Google into thinking their website is worth ranking well, and it does work for a little while, but eventually the results will turn and your website will tank in the rankings.
Places like SEnuke take advantage of this fact by providing a service, which even though at one time did work well, is not obsolete and should not be allowed to take peoples moneyt.
I think that I would rather build my website the proper way and use legitimate means to get ranked with Google and even though it’s harder, I think it’s better for the long term success of my site.
To use something like SE Nuke TNG is very shortsighted, it promises a lot but I wouldn’t take the risk of having my site linked with other low quality sites and blogs.
I think this program basically trashes your site and will send you to the bottom of Google rankings where nobody will find your site.
Thanks for the reminder not to go near these programs and to work on your site the honest way which will lead to more success, thanks for the review here.
You have to think long term when you create a website, regardless of the niche or market. Google has made it clear that backlinks are losing their value and in the long run this method will damage your website – unless the backlinks are organic and relevant.
Using services like SEnuke is very short sighted, like you say, and I am very sure that these types of services will damage your SEO in the long run. You have no control over what kind of websites your links are being anchored to and the effect on your website can, and will, be devastating.
By acquiring natural and organic links to your website you will always be safe and the link juice will be real!
Create your blog in the natural way and do not take shorcuts, ever. They all bite you in the bum down the road.
With back links it is definitely about quality over quantity.
Loads of shitty back links just destroy the authority and SEO effort you have already put into your website.
I’m building my own website at the moment and slowly increasing traffic and learning as I go.
Articles like this are really important so that less knowledgeable people (like myself) don’t ultimately screw themselves over.
Also, 150 a month. Get stuffed, that’s so expensive.
Cheers for the good read.
Exactly! You will suffer greatly with a large number of low quality backlinks. Regardless of where they are from. As you can see from my updated post at the bottom there was a time – Pre Panda – that SEnuke TNG did work but since then the success stories have dried up as black hat PBN backlinks and social bookmarking started to lose it’s value.
You are right about the prices as well, far too expensive!
Hi Philip, some years ago when backlinking was still important, websites like this one was helpful. But these days, they try to survive with unethical ways because they are not useful anymore. I also think that the price is ridiculously high. A freelancer can offer the same services for 5-10$.
Backlinking is about quality, not quantity. You are right, back in the day (pre-panda algorithm) a service like SEnuke was very valuable and did work. However, with the change in algorithm, this service is now compleltely obselete.
Good detective work there! I get frustrated with the number of products that offer “cheats” and “top secret” hacks. They never last long. Keep the good info rolling.
You seem to know what will work and what won’t.
Hard work, education and perseverance will beat luck and scams every time.
Taking short cuts with SEO will never work. Sure these methods that SEnuke promote may work in the short term but why waste your time and money on something that will only work for one month or two?
Your best bet is to create a solid website with quality information to give people the information they need. Google will do the rest. If you write great content and satisfy some basic SEO needs then you will rank high in the SERPS, with time.
Hi Philip
I’ve just read your post and agree that for long term success, why would you challenge Google, in the hope of higher rankings. As Chris commented, if you don’t care about the Google slap, this is probably for you!
I just hope that not too many newbies get sucked in. Good SEO and good keywords will always win in the long term.
There are a lot of newbies who will convince themselves that low quality backlinks are the way to go. There is still a lot of talk on forums, like Warrior Forum, where people are still selling and discussing how great backlinking is.
Services such as SEnuke probably will work, VERY briefly, but once the crawling comes around once more then they will spot the low quality links and the rankings will tank as a result.
Here is a post on MOZ which gives a better view of the dangers of using SEnuke.
Hey Philip,
Wow those success stories are really a bummer, it does look neat but I guess at the of the day, its all just marketing in order to get our money.
Article directories and definitely out of the game and being an SEO program, they should know better. I guess TNG dug their own graves, thanks for taking the review this. I was very close to seeing how it was
It is a very tempting system to use because the lure of easy rankings is always tempting. I really hope people think twice before using article spinning, social bookmarking and poor quality link building.
thank you for publishing in-depth article about software called SEnuke TNG. I have to point out, you really explain in detail everything we need to know about this software. After reading this article I will listen to your advice and avoid this software for sure. Thanks for info
Kind regards
Using SEnuke to improve ranking will not work and I am glad you found my review before you parted with you hard earned money.
Ranking in Google should occur naturally to ensure long term success when blogging or building any website. Trying to trick Google into thinking otherwise will not work, simple as that!
I have not heard of SEnuk TNG until I read your article on it. I try to stay away from any product that offers an “easy” way to rank. I have learned the hard way that it takes hard work to make it on the internet.
These types of programs are taking advantage of the way everyone wants instant success without a lot of work.
Thanks for letting people know.
Thank you for this comprehensive and genuine review of SEnuke!
This kind of programs are new to me and your article was very useful to me as a learning material.
Now, I’ll think twice about legit and shady SEO opportunities.
And other member comments that is on your page is also very valuable.
This is great review!
Best regards,
Dan Coly
Hi Philip,
I’m so glad I’ve read this, although having used SEnuke through fiverr a couple of times with very little effect, I wish I had read it sooner. I think I’m learning the hard way that there is no substitute for working hard and developing great content and tangible, genuine links. I thought I was doing something wrong, but you have given me confidence that actually, the issue is with the system more than anything else! given I have run these programs now, do you have any tips for removing toxic backlinks?
Here is a great article on removing backlinks.Luckily I have never had to remove many backlinks before so I cannot claim to be an expert on that subject but this article explains it very well indeed.
To be honest I think learning about SEO the hard way can sometimes be the best way. There will always be a “new and improved” black hat technique and so if you get burnt early on then you know to always avoid them.
You are a lifesaver! I was just getting ready to sign up for SEnuke TNG when I came across this review. I really need assistance in boosting my SEO and was under the impression that this program would help me.
Thank you so much for exposing the truth and saving me a bunch of my hard-earned money!
No problem. If you have a look at their forum you can see that there has been no success stories for years – since the Panda/Penguin updates from Google.
Good SEO is not complicated. Just focus on the simple things and let Google do the rest.
Yes, the key words there include targeted for greedy newbies. Nobody wants to put the time in to write good quality content. Taking shortcuts to success never works out long term for the greedy.
My internet life is short up to this point but I have heard of all the horror stories of people before me backlinking and having their whole livelihood disappear overnight.
Google can do what they want. Know the rules and play within them.
There is always a product out there somewhere to feed people’s greed. Thanks for pointing out this one.
Damn, just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water. I’m always out to get a competitive edge but the thought of destroying all my hard work for a quick boost in rankings is just suicide.
Is natural SEO through thoughtful and engaging content still the most rewarding way to go?
Yes, Google wants organic, fresh and engaging content.
Content is king and as long as you follow some very simple SEO rules then you will rank well. it will tkae time but it is a damn side safer than using black hat techniques like with SE Nuke.
That screenshot of the success stories really tells you everything you need to know. Google took steps to kill this type of SEO so I’m surprised that they are still selling this product.
Several years ago I had purchased an SEO program, the course was essentially how to use SEnuke. The Guru had been making big money using this stuff but most of his websites got wiped out with those google updates.
Much better to do things the correct way. It’s a lot more work but you don’t have to worry about the next update wiping out all of your work.
Thanks for the info about this product. I am new to internet marketing and this helps me to know what to look for in a good product versus one that will hurt my website down the road. I can see how you might want quick indexing if you are selling products for a certain season and then plan on shutting down that website. I would rather just build one or two websites which last. Your info helped me learn some more, so thanks!
You are welcome!
Building an online business is a long term process. Trying to use services like SEnuke to cut corners will not work anymore, unfortunately.
Long gone are the days of article spinning, social bookmarking and easy backlinking strategies. These days you have to show Google that your website has quality content and will give the users a good user experience, but most important, the information they seek!
There is a lot of valuable information in this post. There is a lot of talk about the importance of social media engagement to help with the ranking of posts but building links is still an important part of ranking posts. The problem is that there are so many products and course teaching people link building what they don’t teach them is that they will probably end up getting tagged as a spammer by Google if these links aren’t coming from authority site. I think your SEnuke review will really give people valuable advice when deciding if this is something that is likely to help them in the long-term. Thanks for this.
As tempting as this sounds and I can see why people would get drawn into this. My take on this is, they sites there must go up and back down really fast. It’s like one of those drives by the night kind of things. I’ve been working quite hard on my site, even though results are slow, at least I will be assured I won’t lose all my hard work.
If you work on your website in an organic and natural way then you will be fine. Results will come very slowly but you can rest assured that you will not lose any of your hard work.
SEO and ranking takes time because Google needs to crawl your website over a long period before you are trusted to appear on the first page of Google.
Avoid services like SEnuke TNG because there is no longer any safe way to menipulate the search engines. These days it is all about quality content and user engagement.
Pfew SENuke, the name already alarms me. Like you can do something quick and easy with a weapon. Not quite my style.
But also the price, that much money per month I would immediately turn around.
Thanks for trying it out though. Good to know that people should stay away from it. Let’s just hope that nobody will be coming across your article after using it.
I’m glad I came across your website. This was a complete and thorough review of what I thought was a good product. Just like you said in the article, people promote SEnuke TNG just for the money. Thanks for saving me money and wasted time. It’s clearly better to stay away from stuff like this.
There are many other people who share my thoughts on this. There are many comments over at the black hat forum where others are expressing their concerns about the outdated methods they use.
The Panda and Penguin updates made the SEnuke software redundant overnight, more or less.
I would advice you and anyone else to stay away from this service – unless they come up with an updated and improved version which will stand the test of time against any future Google updates.
Honestly anyone silly enough to invest money in the type of venture that this opportunity at senuke-tng purportedly has to offer must truly be uneducated when it comes to Google and SEO.
Even the two listed prices: $67/month for the lite and $149/month for the pro are outrageous.
It is widely known that using software to spin articles, and/or spreading backlinks all over the Internet both have an awful effect on that article as the search engines are now wise to this scam. The article is guaranteed to be ranked poorly!
I once was silly enough some 6 or 7 years ago to invest a little cash in such a site. I could take an article and spin it into 8 – 10 articles easily. Yet, did it help my ranking? Probably not!
These types of scams exist because there still are people out there who simply are clueless in understanding that they truly are hurting their websites, and who do whatever they can to try and cheat the system.
And it is not going to work anymore!!
Thanks for pointing out the flaws of such a system and the claims by SEnuke TNG. It is worrying that such claims are still being made despite Google coming out to condemn such practices.
I would say, most people should be made aware of such sites and practices, so I am really thankful to have stumbled across your website today!
The SEO world has changed but SEnuke did not change with it. Their recommended methods are outdated.
The troubling element is that there are still plenty of people who recommend using these black hat SEO techniques which is extremely alarming.
Building a solid frame work for SEO on your website should be a natural and organically occurring thing – as soon as you allow automation and spamming come into the equation then you will ruing your websites SERPS.
Spamming social links and doing article spinning is such an old fashioned method of building links I am shocked to see it even mentioned, anywhere at all. People have to be smart enough to not use these kinds of tactics when building a long term SEO campaign.
A blogger has to focus on creating quality content with keyword reasearch in mind – “What are poeple searching for?”
The name of your site really got me lol! I enjoyed reading your review of SEnuke TNG and seeing the video as well. I’ve been contemplating signing up with them for some time, so I’m glad you tested the water before me! It seems as though this method is totally out of date now since the Google clamp down. So besides hard work is there any other free way to get to page one on Google?
There is a tonne of little things you can do to increase your search engine optimization with Google. Here is a fantastic SEO list of pretty much every single one you can think off!
Just avoid programs like SEnuke TNG – anything that promises page one ranking are always full of lies because they know fine well no one can guarantee anything like that.
I am about to update my post a little with more evidence to show that most people do not believe in this automated method any longer. I will psot up some quotes and screenshots from other websites and forums to support my negative review.
Well, after I got over your wonderful page name and graphics and got down to some serious business I was pretty impressed. Even tho’ I have not heard of these characters before, you made some good arguments. I don’t trust any of these kinds of sites but like you have joined to test and see what happens. You think perhaps you are being too critical until after you have been there for a few days. Yup! All the glitter on the Internet doesn’t stand a chance to patience and hard work. Thanks for the enlightening article.
As with most black hat seo software, they promise the world but deliver nothing. However they do not mind charging you for this privilege.
I am glad my article will help people avoid lowering their rank withing the search engines. I can’t imagine the pain and suffering bloggers must feel if they join SEnuke, thinking it is the real deal, and then finding all their page ranking plummet within a short space of time. This must be heartbreaking.
Very good and informative post. I am new to this internet marketing world and I have not yet heard of this product but I am glad I came across this article first. It really opened my eyes to a different way of thinking. I agree 100% that the most efficient way to build your internet business is going to be with blood, sweat and tears so I’m glad that you provided this information to help us newbies get our heads in the game the correct way and not look for the easy way out. Thank you! keep up the good work.
Thanks for the review on SEnuke. I’ve heard that backlinks aren’t really what Google looks for anymore and that bloggers need to focus on SEO more, and like you said SEnuke really doesn’t help with SEO. In addition, right now I’m focusing on quality content, so even if backlinks were still the way to get ranked on Google, I wouldn’t be concentrating on that either. Appreciate your help!
Wow, I did not know too much about SEO ranking. Your excellent review of this product reveals a lot of information and how smart Google has become. Thank you for this info. Hard smart work and patience is always the best way to do run any type of business.
Considering that Google penalizes for auto spinning as well for creating bad back links, I wonder why people keep doing it. At one time I would have been interested in promoting my site with such a program as Senuke, but the more I work on my own website the more I realize most readers want value, not churned out content.
Thanks for the great review. Although honestly I have to say I am tempted, but I will resist.
This is a great review on SEnuke TNG. I came across your article because I was looking to join SEnuke TNG. I’m so glad I came here first. I would have destroyed my rankings I already have. Thanks for the great review and saving my website. Do you suggest another service?
Hi Jack,
There are no SEO services that I know of which will provide genuine white hat SEO service for a reasonable costs. There are hundreds of genuine SEO consultants out there but they charge hundreds and hundreds of dollars per day.
For anyone on a budget the only option is to do the leg work themselves.
Do guest blogging, reach outs and connect with others. It is hard work and it takes ages but the rewards are sweet once they come.
Create engaging and quality content then people will naturally link to your content anyway. That is the best way to do it without any fear of beinf penalized by Google.
Seriously good review!
I am pretty sure there’s a place for everything, myself. I’ve used black hat stuff a few years ago, when you went after comments links, forum links, and links from gov sites.
I don’t know who’s using automation anymore, but it’s not dead.
And as for spun articles, they’re like anything else in the world there’s good and there’s bad. I can spin an article and you, google and probably the author wouldn’t know it? Spun articles have a place, but not on my website that I’m working on everyday.
SEnuke looks to me like just that much junk in 2017. For $147 a month you could pay for a high quality PBN that would do a much better job and last forever?
Or you could just take your time and build a real site with real content that real people read and spend money for (just like this one)?
Good article and website
Thanks for the comment!
People are always looking an easy way to rank in the search engines. This leads to bloggers and webmaster trying to use services, such as SEnuke TNG, to cut corners.
I do not think that there is any amount of Google algorithm changes that will make [people realize that the only way to rank and keep your rankings long term is to build up a quality and solid base of useful content for your readers.
Does it take much longer? Sure! But at least you know that you will never be penalized on your work. imagine IF you used SEnuke and them 2 years down the line your website is totally wiped out from the SERPS just because you did some black hat SEO a few years earlier. This would be devastating.
I wonder how many thousands, if not millions, of bloggers and websites got destroyed by the Panda and Penguin updates back in 2012-ish?
Stick to the natural SEO and everything will be gravy!
Lazy people will always look for these shortcuts in order to make money online.
Personally, I wish that Google would get even better at punishing these spammy thin affiliate sites quickly rather than letting them clog up the SERPS for a while before getting busted.
Aside from just waiting for natural links, are there any legitimate ways to ensure that your content is read by those who are capable of providing high quality backlinks?
To receive natural backlinks to your content you need to write engaging and up-to-date content. Every niche is very different in terms of relevance and freshness of your blog posts – for example a celebrity gossip blog will rank very differently than a blog about affiliate marketing.
However, people will always share and reference content which they found useful and interesting.
Another method could be to reach out to other bloggers who have broken link within their content. You can check for broken link on Here is what you can do:
Find a blog that is relevant to your niche. Search their site for broken links within their content. When you find a link on a blog post, for which you have written a relevant piece of work, you can then email the owner of the site and ask if they can fix this link.
While doing so you can mention that you have got a relevant article, give them your blog post URL, and then if you are lucky they will link to your content.
This method can be tedious and has a low strike rate but it can prove very valuable because the person who is fixing the broken link is likely to be too busy to search around for another suitable resource to link to. SO, when you email them they may use your link purely to save time.
There are many other methods to get backlinks – I will write a blog post about it soon and link it to this comment.
There are so many scammy products that are out there on the online world and it’s unfortunate that so many of us fall into the trap. I was glad to read your post about the detail of this product that I was somewhat interested. Certainly not interested in purchasing this . I have a white hat website and i wouldn’t want my website to turn into a black hat
Yikes, I personally find these prices a little steep. My defences goes up when someone claims that their system can keep up with the ‘latest changes in Google.’
Honestly speaking Google only tells us a fraction of things to their Algorithms to efficient rankings and Good SEO.
Thanks for the heads up on this one. Will be staying away from it.
Any product which makes promises of any sort should be taken with a pinch of salt. This especially applies to the SEO world because something which works wonders today, may not work so well in a few months from now.
Google wants organic and fresh content, not content which has been forced or manipulated in any way. That is why places like SEnuke should not be used due to its inherent manipulative nature.
They are taking an organic process and applying automation to in an attempt to throw out hundreds or thousands of clicks, backlinks and press releases out into the Internet land of PBN and SERP results.
Of course this will not work. Even if it does short a small space of time, it will trash your website completely and black list it for life.
I found your Senuke Review different with others. I have read about people are recommending Senuke and I nearly purchase and use it on my own site.
Lucky that I found this review letting me know why others marketers are promoting Senuke. Because of Money. No wonder.
Thanks for providing me such an honest informative insight and stay out of this. Else my site will be gone.
Much appreciated. Money is always the underlying factor for most reviews. At the end of the day we all need to make a living but I find it easier to be honest and build trust with people.
Why lie about a service and hope for a quick sale when you can tell the truth and be transparent and earn a long and returning reader?
Other websites who promote Senuke Tng do so for the money, or perhaps it is simply an outdated review which is no longer current, it did work once don’t forget.
If you were to use this SEO product on your blog or website then you would drop in the SERPS very quickly. You may be lucky and see a very brief boost in rankings but within a short period of time all your rankings will tank for whichever keywords you were targeting with the SEnuke software.
Spamming the Internet with spun articles, pres releases and trying to manipulate search results with fake CTR will never work long term. As Google evolves and becomes smarter at analysing the SERP data feedback all these methods will become obsolete. Most of them are already!
I think you are spot on about Blackhat Companies like SEnuke TNG and how they operate. I liked the guest comment about how this can work for short-term websites that run for 6 months.
However, with Google Algorithms picking up on these “spammy backlinks” a lot faster than ever before… I would give it 8 weeks before your site got blacklisted!
This is more or less bang on the money. A small change of small term results but 100% chance of long term failure, should you opt in for SEnuke.
There is no safe way to manipulate the search results because Goolge always change their algorithm. This will keep all SEO experts on their toes and any automation or spammy tactics, even though they may work at some point, will eventually fall by the wayside of the search engines.
Some things are just too good to be true. A lot of SEO companies like SEnuke TNG will guarantee top placement in Google, when no SEO consulting firm actually knows if they can get you the best google results.
Thank you for your honest review. It’s difficult to see through the ad copy sometimes, since a lot of these SEO companies sounds the same with their promises of great SEO.
However, like you said, I do love the 1. Free Trial and the 2. Money Back Guarantee. It’s always good to test the waters before committing so something as big as this monthly subscription service. Thanks again for the review!
It’s utterly worthless to keep up with these type of scammy stuff, and for what I saw, ain’t nobody still haven’t found the trick on the market (if it were easy everybody would do it). So it’s better to keep up with the hard work.
I totally agree. All these kinds of manipulative service will always end up damaging your websites SEO power. People will always attempt to trick Google into thinking their website is worth more than it is but these people will always get caught with their trousers down.
Around 2010, I used to work as a remote employee for a US internet marketing/ SEO joint. I call it a joint because in the end I realised it was run by a couple of scammers who hid their persons and their accounts in places where there is no US extradition and plenty of offshore businesses. They “equipped” all of us working for them with SENuke X and article spinning software. My line of work being creative writing, I kept pointing out that the generated content was low quality, sometimes pure gibberish. The answer? “We need tons….literally, tons of content and links out there, you cannot possibly write as much”. It was true, my task was to generate together with my team (5 people in total) around 200-250 articles per day and send them out to hundreds of directories. I must apologise for polluting the internet with those 0 value articles – at that point I really needed the money and I could not afford to hold my principles above the paycheck. But luckily all that rubbish is now gone. All those sites we spammed are down in the gutters of Google search or no longer exist. The article spinning software is kaput. I hope SENuke follows suit soon.
I appreciate you coming forward with your experiences! 🙂 Thank God for the Google updates. It is crazy to think how long manipulation ruled which websites appeared on page one of the SERPS.
Philip, you are definately great; thanks alot for the enlightment; I almost feel for this crap not until i opted to search for its reviews;
In my mind i kept asking my self questions like; (1) if this is really great as it sounds why haven’t i ever hard of SEO service providers use it; (2) With frequent dynamic google alogarithm, what relationship does this have with SERP;
Jesus Christ, i survived this shit; Thanks man you are fantatsic; Am running never looking back.
Yes, you need to be careful with products like SeNuke. The problem is that they really did work, in the past. So, the claims they are making are based on some truth. However, since the Google algorithm changes these methods simply do not do your websites health any good anymore. Your rankings will be destroyed and your hard work along with it! It is a shame that products like these are still available, and that people still buy them! I am glad my review gave you a heads up and saved you some money, and your website SEO health!
Would you say the sales pitch and your chances of success with the software are the same as Wealthy Affiliate?
You talk about their sales pitch and have this on your page…
Within the first few lessons at Wealthy Affiliate you are going to be learning all about the most current traffic techniques and how you can get an ABUNDANCE of relevant customers to your website through rankings in all the search engines…like Google, Bing & Yahoo.
You make it sound so easy when around 2% of people actually make money online.
Wealthy Affiliate and SEnuke are two totally different animals and are in no way related, in any way, with regards to what they teach you.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to create a website within a niche you love. They show you how to create quality content, with user intent and to answer peoples queries. You are taught how to get natural Google rankings and combine great images, themes and research to give natural, engaging and quality user experiences. This is only the TIP of the resources you receive in order to create a long term, stable and consistent online income.
SEnuke however, is a spamming software. They take your content and spam it far and wide with no thought about Google algorithms or the results of their actions. If you use this software you will lose your rankings and your website will be ruined very quickly.
Sure, I agree that only a small percentage of people do succeed online, but that is true of any profession or path people take. The only reason the online game is hard is because you are alone and you cannot trust anyone’s word. That is why I created this website because people who join me and have me as a mentor see very quickly that this is real and the potential is right there!
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I hope this helped you. Let me know if you need anything else.
Thanks for sharing. I do not believe in automatic rankings, and it is nice to see the proof that I should not.
In your video review, you say there are no posts in forums for a couple of years about this Senuke software and it does not work anymore.
Did they start to advertise again? Why may anyone be willing to promote this service as it is obsolete?
People promote these services because the commissions are huge. That simple really. This is very unfortunate but it is the way of the Internet marketing world.
Hello sir,
I just have one question: Would you consider Magic Submitter to be ANY better in this category???
I have not tried it but I have had a glance at the sales page. You should avoid all backlink auto builders, spinners and auto submitters. It is incredibly bad for your SEO. It does not work anymore. It used to, back in the day, but now you have to create quality content and informative blog posts.
Spamming the Internet with low quality backlinks and spun articles does not work.
Hope this helps. Thanks for taking the time to comment, much appreciated.
If you need any help then please let me know.
I also think using software’s should be avoided at all costs! It is better to do the work and work your way up the rankings. In my honest opinion anytime we want to use softwares we are cheating ourselves. Doing things the natural way brings longevity to your business. I actually appreciate learning SEO. It isnt as hard as we think. The software is great for spamming your site and that is the worst. The point is to be successful not a failure. Thats what softwares like SEnuke can do to your site then all your hard work down the drain.
I agree! Using automated services to try and boost SEO si never a good idea. Due to the volume of links, profiles and manipulate information being spread across the Internet using your URL, you have no way controlling and monitoring every single output.
This means you will end up with toxic backlinks on forums, Web 2.0 properties, etc. because, at some point, you will lose touch of which links have been posted where.
Also, Google has algorithmic changes happening all the time which means that one update can destroy any positive input SEnuke may have had, if it had any at all, and you would have to manually undo it all. This process of “de-indexing” would take months to complete and hundreds of hours.
The bot that finds your links on Google and reduces the bounce rate is a really clever idea for spamming.
However, it is spam. Google always figure out a way to find spammers and ban them.
In my opinion, you cannot get ranked without doing the hard work. Thanks for the review.
I know what you mean. Yes, some of the methods used ehre can and will work, but for how long? If you ever have to manipulate Google to increase your SERP stats in the first place then your content was never any good.
Keep your blog posts and pages natural, quality and helpful – Google will take care of the rest and natural traffic will come!
It’s a crappy product with exaggerated claims and over priced since want to teach someone to use software to implement some not good SEO techniques that only will hurt Your site.
I rather work,work,work, on my website than to use this software, but hey, many people will buy them thinking that it will bring some benefit to their ranking only to hurt them in the process. What a waste of money for this software.
SEO is not complicated only takes some work and many months to see real results. Backlinking is good if your backlinks are created naturally rather than force them into Your website GOOGLE is not stupid like they want US to believe only to push down some magic software down our throat in order to make money of unsuspecting customers.
You are absolutely right. SEO is a natural process. Sure, you can do certain things manually:
* Backlink building
* Forum posting
* Social Media Outreach
* etc.etc.etc
But they need to be natural! When you force this SEO progressing, by using automated software, you are leaving your website completely vulnerable to penelization.
Google will eventually see your irrelevant backlinks and bizarre SEO pattern and start downgrading your SERP rankings.
There is no substitute for hard work when it comes to getting good ranking for your website. Your SENuke TNG Review really shows why people shouldn’t go into this area to try to get their website ranked higher. As you explained, the damage you will do to your website is irreversible.
I used a traffic service many years ago just to see what would happen, of course I found out later how bad that was. Again, there just isn’t any substitute for hard work and good content.
Thank you for the awesome review! Hopefully it will really help out people when it comes to getting ranked!
Thank you for posting this review. Usually when something sounds too good to be true it usually is. When just starting a website or a blog beginners are so easily tempted to buy into these services. Thank you for an honest review and bringing awareness to services like this that will most likely hurt you new website rather than help it.
You are right. When things sound too good to be true, they always are. Manipulating the Google results will work, as I say in my post, but it will never replace natural and organic SEO. By forcing the SERP listing to change you are positioning yourself to a very vulnerable place because the slightest algorithm change and your entire website will tank in the search results.
Never use any methods, such as backlink building or mass content posting, because you have very little control over where, how and when they are created. Not to mention the true authority and trustworthiness of the websites you are posting your content and links on!
I’ve often wondered about this kinds of promises. I had a hunch that they are total scams, but it is sooo tempting to try to take the easy way out sometimes. I never heard of this one though. Thanks for the heads up, you really got to the bottom of it.
I come across your site. Thank you so much for post. I learn a lot from your article.
Wow… thanks for an interesting read. I vaguely remember hearing someone talk about SEnuke and being an internet marketer myself, I have always been taught having low-quality backlinks are not what Google likes.
It doesn’t make sense to have so many backlinks as they just take the reader away more often and not focused on my content. I would much rather have my readers stay connected inside my site and provide helpful information than send them away to get that.
Hi Philip,
SEnuke TNG Review – My Honest Opinion is a very good expose of yet another website promising a way to get rich quick. The fact that they actually provide a product doesn’t make them any less a scam than one that takes your money without providing anything.
The product does not work, therefore, at least in my view, it is a scam. And worse, it actually does harm to your website. It might as well be a virus.
Is there a SEO program that actually improves a website’s ranking?
Anyway, thanks for alerting us to this very bad and dangerous website.
Senuke has recently re-launched in January 2018 and it is the same old software. Even the promotional videos are dated from 2016.
Unfortunately you can never “automate” the SEO process. There are more mundane tasks you can automate but nothing will ever replace natural SEO and natural backlink building.
Your focus should be on creating natural and great content. All the things that are being manipulated here: the CTR, bounce rate and the backlinks will come naturally.
Why force something which will so obviously be seem as spam?
Using a service like SeNuke is a valid way of doing things but the problem is there is no rulebook on “what is too much” so the chances are that anyone using this WILL damage their website as the Google algorithm changes and evolves.
Thank you very much i was planing to buy this services sir. Can you guide which SEO services provider are good to increase real organic serp?
There are no real ways to “automatically” increase SEO. At least not without using services such as SeNuke which can damage the health of your website. There are SEO companies and agencies but they charge hundreds of dollars per hour. What are you trying to achieve with your website?
Philip, you have done so well with your post on SENUKE-TNG, today you have saved me some dollars. But I want to ask you this personal question: I want to boost my site backlinks do you think or would it be healthy for me to purchase these links from a site like links-management.
Hi, Kelvin
I would never buy any backlinks. You can acquire them naturally by reaching out to another blogger, creating quality content and sharing them on social media. Never buy or try and force backlinks because it will end very badly.
Phillip, you are great man, you saved me some real dollars, i’m glad i came across your article, i read through and even appreciate every other comments, i know i have struggled to get high ranking thinking using Senuke TNG will help, i’m totally wrong.
Much appreciated once again.
I am glad it was of some use. Forcing backlinks and other SEO issues is never a long-term strategy. All that results from this is a never-ending need to alter and change the manipulations you made in order to stay one step ahead of Google. You are much better off simply creating good content and let Google do the work for you.
I have used senuke in the past. It actually worked pretty well for me.
I used “the best spinner” and chose the words to spin manually. I spun on the article, paragraph, phrase and sentence level. I made sure every word made sense and was in proper English.
I agree with a lot of what you and the commenters say. SeNuke does not provide high quality links and is not natural. That being said, there are people that I know that have used it since the begining and have had very good luck with it, but they did not set up a campaign in 5 minutes either.
I disagree with the huge penalty part. You even stated that these links are out of your control.
Matt Cutts has even alluded to the fact that automated backinks are not going to send you to the sandpit from hell.
If that were the case and I was in a niche that had 5 main competitors what would stop me from spamming them using SeNuke and the worst articles I could spin.
I think the biggest part of any software like this is that a large portion of people using it are beginners and therefor will not have the common sense to use it properly.
If you do not use it properly it will damage your website, simple as that. That makes it incredibly dangerous to people with an existing business.
Article spinner do not work, it is quicker just to write the article. Taking random works which do not make human sense, even if they are spelt correctly, does not result in a high quality article – Google knows this as well.
Also, at the end of the day, you want people to see good quality articles. Why would you want to spin garbage and spread it around?
Automated backlinks and spun articles are bad stuff for SEO. Totally agree. However, SeNuke may or may not be bad all depends on the user’s knowledge. If SeNuke is so damaging to one’s website as mentioned here, then anyone could just use SeNuke on his competition’s website and Google will slaps them so hard that all his competitors’ sites will be penalized or sandboxed! Well, reality doesn’t always happens the way we thinks sometimes. Tools will always function like a tool.. you can either break stuff or make stuff!