Are you trying to make money online as a writer but you are not sure where to start plying your trade? You found a website called but you are unsure about the earnings potential?

Let me talk you through the process and help you decide whether it is worth your time!

Can you make money with iWriter? Or is this service just a place for low quality spun articles which are mass produced by cheap labour from the far east?

What Is iWriter All About? is a content supplier where website owners come to buy articles written by people like you. The process involves website owners posting what articles and blog content they need, and then freelance writers accept these jobs and write accordingly. Once the article is finished, the writer is paid – if the website owner likes what they read!

Let’s Look At The Jobs

The writing jobs within iWriter vary drastically. There are dozens of categories ranging from “Health” to “Online Marketing”.  So, you can really find any topic you can think of which is great because if you have a wide range of interests then you will find loads of fun article to write about.

This also allows for a greater variety of work, which in turn, will make for a more interesting working day for a full-time writer – there is nothing worse than writing the same type of article over and over again.


As you can see from the snapshot above there is a variety of writing jobs available. At any given time there are hundreds – if not thousands of jobs available.

Are The Writing Jobs Worth The Effort? This Is What Really Matters!

This is where things get a little bit sticky. The fee you receive is quite low when you consider the amount of effort that goes into writing a 1,000 word article.

If you are very quick at writing and proofreading your articles then that is fine but if it takes you two or three hours to write one article then your hourly rate is going to be incredibly low.

As you can see in the image below the earnings for a standard – beginner – writer are very low and you would be excused for thinking; “What’s the point in writing for this kinda money!?”


As your rating increases, you will start to earn much better money. As you advance to become a Premium, and then an Elite writer, your potential earnings will double, then double again!

I think this is a great feature to be honest because at least then – as a paying customer – you know that the writers you get do have a good track record of creating good content.



If you are an efficient writer and you can produce a 500-word article in 30 minutes then, as an elite writer, you can earn reasonable money for your work.

Any Advantages To Using A Service Like iWriter?

I think the main reason these kind of content writing jobs are attractive is because you can earn money right away. You wait for jobs to be posted and then you take them immediately. On other job platforms, like Upwork, you have to “sell” yourself and hope that an employer chooses you over the competition.

With iWriter you can choose the jobs you want and start it immediately.

You do not need a website or have a portfolio and proof of work. There is no interviewing process or anything like that which allows the average Joe to start writing for money.

With a bit of determination, you can easily produce between five or ten 500-word articles in one day which will earn you close to $100 per day once you reach the Elite ranking level.iwriter-potential-earnings

There Must Be A Downside

Yep, there are a few downsides to services like iWriter – which is generally why the content created is quite poor.

When you first start the money you earn from writing is painfully low and you need to produce 30 or so articles before your ranking increases to the next level.

You can imagine your enthusiasm for writing will drop a little bit when you earn $2.43 for a 500-work article which took you 30 minutes to write.

Also, you are competing against writers from developing countries who can afford to charge a LOT less. There are a lot of writers who are happy to write a 1,000-word article for $15 because that is a lot of money in their country. However, for someone living the US, this is not viable.

Due to the fact that there are a lot of low-quality websites out there who do not care if they commission cheap and sloppy content, this exasperates this issue of cheap competition, which brings the prices right down.

Another negative aspect is the “Special Requirements” and the “Instructions” you receive from the clients who post the jobs.

These instructions are often hundreds of words long with detailed instruction of what you can and cannot include in your written content. Some are so extreme that it will take you 20 minutes just to read, and understand, the instructions.

If you misunderstand or make a mistake which violates them then the client can simply reject your work and you have wasted a lot of your time.

Fast Track Your Earnings – With A Catch!

There is a way to bump your rankings almost immediately so that you can start writing as an Elite PLUS within a few days of joining. However, there is a little catch involved.

Instead of writing dozens of articles and waiting to receive good reviews to bump up your ratings to increase your pay rate, you can submit 3 articles directly to iWriter for review.

Once you have submitted three articles they will review them and if they are good then they will give you a high rating immediately. Pretty clever when you think about it but what’s that catch I was talking about?

Oh yeah! It’s going to cost you $147!


Can You Make Money With iWriter?

Absolutely. You can easily make a fair bit of money with iWriter.

Personally, I would not do it full time because I am busy with this website and other projects. However, if you have no interest in creating a blog or simply do not have the money to invest in hosting, domain names etc then this is perfect.

Writing for a living using a service like this is relatively stress-free because you have no responsibilities and you can write as, and when, you want. As your writing skills improve you will start earning more and more.

I would recommend you try it out and see how you get on. Worst case scenario is you can use it for some extra cash here and there. Check out iWriter.

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  1. Hi, I’m Paul and I recently became disabled and cannot get used to living on state disability benefits which often leaves me without electricity at the end of the fortnight.
    I am eloquent, intelligent and have internet. I am British born and good at English with a good vocabulary and never had issues with grammar or spelling etc.
    Please can anyone point me to a legitimate no money up front way of earning money.
    I can happily pay once I have earned something and would be very grateful for a chance of living again.
    I look forward to hearing from You.
    Paul Keeling

    1. Hi Paul,

      You can try iWriter or Hirewriters – there you can start earning money immediately but the payout is relatively low.

      You can also try UpWork – this is where you can earn good money by writing. You do need to have a few skill sets to be able to use it but if you have a good grasp of basic English grammar then you should be set to go.

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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