In this review, I am writing about a product called eCom Profit Sniper, by Robin Mac and Tom Parker. I purchased the $37 membership and delved into the Shopify/Dropshipping world of this training module.
Product website -
I will show you inside the members area and show you why this product may not be as profitable as the sales video claims. I will give you the pros and cons of the training inside.
I base my review on my personal opinion when using the training provided and I do genuinely sit through all the training so I can give an unbiased and accurate account of the quality of this service.
Want to make money online in an honest and organic way? Then check this out!
My Personal Experience
The initial sales page is incredibly hyped up and inaccurate. It claims you can make an incredible amount of money and uses screenshots from the Shopify sales dashboard to showcase this proof.
However, what the sales video fails to mention is the fact that these sales figures do not take into account cost of Facebook ads and the cost of drop shipping the product they are selling. In other words, the sales figes, are 100% misleading and inaccurate.

Once I paid and entered the membership area I got a good feeling for what the essence behind this training module is. This is simply another hyped up product which promises everything but delivers very little.
I sat through the training material and made some notes and I will walk you through my opinions now.
The training itself consists of 4 parts:
Part 1 - Introduction:
- Lesson 1: Shopify Setup
- Lesson 2: Image Hunting
- Lesson 3: Settings Note Slides
- Lesson 4: Shopify Settings in Action
- Lesson 5: Theme Notes Slides
- Lesson 6: Theme Settings in Action
Part 3 - Adding Collections & Products:
- Lesson 1: Adding Oberlo Extension
- Lesson 2: AliPay and Oberlo
- Lesson 3: Collection Creation
- Lesson 4: Adding Products
Part 2 - Categories & Products:
- Lesson 1: Category Selection Slide
- Lesson 2: Product Finding
Part 4 - Facebook:
- Lesson 1: Facebook Page
- Lesson 2: Facebook Post
- Lesson 3: Facebook Pixel

Why The Training Is Not Good Enough!
The training itself only shows you how to set up a Shopify Store and a Facebook Page on a very basic level. You do get instructed on how to set up Collections and where to get images from, along with a few other things, but at the end of the day it is still incredibly basic.
There is a small video showing you keyword research but it's only about 6 minutes long which is not nearly enough. A keyword research training video can easily be over 2 hours long, rich with examples and traffic estimates and implementation examples.
You are given a brief overview of Oberlo, a product Extension which allows you to import products to your Shopify store, and you are given instructions on how to use AliPay and AliExpress. Once again this training simply skims the surface and only serves as an introduction, not a complete training module.
Will The Training Help Beginners?
To be honest, no. I imagined if I was a newbie, working my way through the training, and I can identify many areas where you would be completely lost and would have no way to knowing what to do next.
The Shopify Store
- After you are shown how to set up the Shopify store you are basically left to your own devices. You are not shown how to add blog posts, optimize the pages or make them user friendly. Any beginner would basically have a half baked website by the end of the training which they would not know how to fill with quality content or to use properly.
Facebook Ads and Traffic Generation
- There is NO training on how to get traffic! Which I must is incredible because how is a beginner supposed to know how to generate traffic with paid ads or organically with SEO? So, once again, an inexperienced affiliate marketer would now have a website with a Facebook page with NO content and no traffic. I am not sure what they are supposed to do at that point because there is no references to traffic anywhere in the training.
At this point, I am thinking perhaps I missed something so I went back to check but there is no mention of how to generate traffic.
Is this method legitimate?
Dropshipping is a very common way to make money online and Shopify is an incredibly powerful platform to use because the themes are high converting and beautifully designed. The method shown by eCom Profit Sniper is legitimate, but the training is very low quality.

Will You Make Money?
Not with the training provided at Ecom Profit Sniper. This review has shown that and my opinion is that this training product is well below par and should be avoided.
Anyone who buys this will be shown some very basic stuff but no more. There is no real "method" here and the training hold NO relation to the sales page.
You will not make money with the training provided because they do not show you how to make any sales! There are no traffic strategies mentioned and there is no comprehensive long term plan. All you are taught here is how to create a Shopify store and a Facebook page and no more.
This product is also closely linked with the CB Cash Code system which is equally low quality. You can see in this review, by Anis from Full Time Home Business, that the creator has been lazy enough to use the same T&C from Ecom Profit Sniper.
Is There An Alternative?
The simplest way it to head straight over to a place like Oberlo or Shopify. They have lots of resources, some are free, which you can browse on how to create an online dropshipping business.
They will have detailed training modules and forums where people discuss strategies and sales figures in depth which will give you a great insights into what it takes to become a successful dropshipper and ecommerce master.
You can also head over to my homepage where I can introduce you to the world of blogging, which is an equally fascinating way to make money online.
Have you any experience with this product? Please do leave a comment in the section below with your thoughts!
i am most grateful for the privileged and sincere assessment / evaluation of the ecom profit sniper.
of a truth, i have been really skeptical about signing up for the product asides a major challenge of my country (Nigeria) that was omitted hence, making my registration difficult.
now, that i have an idea of the quality of stuff the product is made up, i think it would be wise if the designer could work more on the aspect of detailing how products/ goods could be added; how the user can generate traffic; more importantly, how to make sales.
thank you for your time taken to put up such a sincere assessment of the product at least for the sake of people like us who are outside the box. perhaps, we can have a good time to taking the right decision.
adejoro emmanuel
Hi I so wish I had viewed your review before purchasing this product! I have only begun starting my shopify store not fully completed set up! I was definitely charged for a Traffic Booster section yes I think this has ended up being too expensive! I will keep going and see what happens! Cheers Leona
Am surprised how ecom profit sniper spend a lot of time telling about success but don’t show how to generate traffic to one’s website.Kenya is not in the list and I have advantage of reading your assessment as I was about to buy the software.
Yes, this is a common trait for low quality training programs. They lure you in with sales screenshots and fake hope and then don’t show you anything that will help you. It is a shame but that is the way of the Internet. If you go to my homepage I can help you create an honest and sustainable income source.
I must say,that was a totally honest review that will help a lot of newbies.
I came across your review after hearing about this product.
When I hear about people claiming you can make 1,000’s,and you’re only paying a few dollars for it.
My “scammer radar” is activated.
Most people who do reviews lie,and try to get you to buy through their link.
I 100% agree with you about the traffic element.
This is my business,generating traffic,it is the “life blood”of any inline business.
Without it you’re dead
We specialize in using many Free and paid methods,that are far more cost-effective than facebook.
From our research,for marketers and business owners alike.
Facebook,is rapidly on the decline.
This poor system was build especially for beginners in mind. There are many ways we can make money online. The platform shows us the path of e-commerce which is kind of hard for complete beginners. Usually, for beginners, a blog is more suitable as it put the beginner to test the depth.
The results are also a bit too exaggerated. Thes kind of result is for seasonal e-commerce business owners.
there is also a lot of basics they missed out by just showing results and not the basics of keywords, SEO, content, persuasion tactics, scripts, understanding your online visitors and a lot more.
You took the words out of my mouth. Products like Ecom Sniper feed on the inexperienced affiliate marketers who want to make money online. However, due to their lack of experience, they believe in the false sales figures and hyped up results.
Much like the similar product; Profit With Alex, the training is incomplete and it is clear that the whole concept was created just to sell a product, not to provide any value.
Hi Philip!
The claimed proof of income,- that shows a huge amount itself, shows that eCom Profit Sniper is not worthy. As said, it is not suitable for beginners. The beginners firstly should learn about blogging and online marketing etc., The e-commerce marketing, in my opinion, should be taken in an advanced stage. I think we can do drop shipping without even a website and I am not sure if eCom Profit sniper is legitimate.
Thanks for a useful review!
You are correct. i think the training is sold as user friendly and easy but the truth is that making money with this method is hard and has a steep learning curve.
You need to grasp the strategies of funnel creation, split testing, ad copy, audience retargeting and much more!
You can create a website easily enough but that is not sufficient to make money. You need traffic and conversions!
I agree with you completely this program is not going to be enough for anyone new to online business, I have tried similar programs in the past only to fail in making much if anything at all.
I am not familiar with this program, but I have learned most of these programs give you just barely enough to get started in an online business and rarely provide you enough to succeed
In my experience they tend to sell you an “idea” and all the claims they made in the sales page are covered by the small print so, technically, they can say what they want and get away with it.
Products like Ecom Sniper are the low end of the affiliate marketing world and, unfortunately, casts a very negative cloud over all affiliate marketers who are honest and hard working.
I have never tried drop shipping before, but I’m glad you wrote a review about this program so I know not to buy it.
From the sounds of this program i doubt it would probably even be on the market that much longer unless they seriously update their training.
Have you had any experience with drop shipping, and if so where did you learn how to do it properly?
Dropshipping itself is completely safe an a viable way to make money online. I think the main issue with dropshipping is finding the right supplier and the right product. There is an entry level training available at Penny Clicks Academy which I highly recommend.
When it comes to Ecom Profit Sniper, or any other product similar, you have to remember to take away the cost of traffic, cost of product and your own time, BEFORE you calculate the profit.
The screenshots they provide in the sales video almost always only show the gross sales, without considering the actual cost involved, which is misleading and dishonest.
Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your review of that Clickbank Ecom Profit Sniper program.
I am amazed to see Clickbank sanctioning that site. When I use Clickbank they are usually helpful, so I don’t know why they would allow such o site, which only provides shopify (which is free of charge anyway ! )
I don’t know your site. If it is an easy way to make money, please send me the details.
John Hadfield
Hi John,
Thanks for getting in touch. Unfortunately, there is no ‘easy’ ways to make money online. There are methods which require less effort, for sure, but ultimately they all require a fair bit of work to get going. ClickBank allows products like this because they only provide the platform to launch the products, they do not actually screen them as such. The small print covers them from any liability. Basically, you do get what you pay for. Think of digital products, such as this one, as the 99 Cents store – lots of cool fun things but don’t expect too much! 🙂
Technically products like Ecom Profit Sniper are legitimate, they are just incredibly low quality. The sales pages are as hyped, misleading and as ridiculous as a deodorant commercial, they promise you the world but deliver nothing.
Thanks heaps as I was thinking of joint them I’m glad I looked them up
So Thanks heaps 🙂
No worries! I am glad it proved useful to you.