A few people have asked me recently what the QSR column means on the Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool. With that in mind, I thought I would shed some light on what the QSR, or Quoted Search Results, actually means and how you can use this information to help your choose your keywords.

What Is QSR?

QSR is short for “Quoted Search Results” and the number shown indicates how many other websites are competing for that particular keyword.

For Example;

Jaaxy what is QSR


You can see in the image above the amount of competing pages that are competing for the selected keywords.

Why Is Jaaxy More Accurate?

For some reason, Google does not want to show the “real” quoted search results when you try and use quotation marks to find a number of competing websites. The numbers they show are usually hugely inflated and therefore not accurate to use in your keyword research.

In 2010 Google stopped showing the exact match of a search term. This is why Jaaxy comes in handy because it finds it for you.

This used to be the way to find out how competitive a keyword was;

You would type your keyword into Google with quotation marks and underneath the search bar there would be a number of pages shown, this was the QSR. This number has now become useless as the numbers are not correct after Google changed the way the information is displayed.

QSR competition check


Using a tool like Jaaxy you can accurately gauge your competition in a few seconds.

How To Use The QSR Information

When you find a keyword you like you should ideally aim for a keyword to have less than 100 QSR (100 competing websites). This ensures that your chances of ranking on page one are increased drastically because they are low hanging fruit keywords.

Ranking on page one, even for a keyword with very low traffic, is still very valuable because you have searchers reading your SERP listing. That is why getting accurate QSR results is so important.

Once you find a QSR which is below 100, go ahead and write an informative and valuable article and publish it, you will be surprised how accurate Jaaxy is at finding how many competing pages there are. More often than not, you will rank very nicely for most of the keywords you find.

There is also an article here from the owner of Jaaxy (Kyle) where he writes about QSR.

What Is Your Experience With Jaaxy?

Have you used Jaaxy before and had positive results? Please leave a comment below with any additional tips or features which you would like to share with everyone!

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