Profit365 Review - Low Quality & Misleading

In this review, I am taking a closer look at a newly released product called Profit365, by Jamie Lewis & Andrea Fulton, which was released today (11/2/2019) on ClickBank.
The sales page promises untold riches by simply sharing your affiliate/hop links with people online via email marketing. Apparently, anyone can do it, even if you are a complete beginner affiliate marketer.
The idea is you use squeeze pages, solo ads and email marketing to drive traffic to highly optimized sales pages to earn commissions from ClickBank.
As good as this sounds, I decided to take a close look at the training provided inside by purchasing a copy, for $34 and becoming a member of Profit365.
My Rating:
What Is Profit365?
This training module is a collection of video tutorials that is supposed to show you how to make money online using ClickBank.
Website =
Inside you are given an outline of how to use solo ads and email marketing to drive traffic to squeeze pages which you then convert into leads and commissions.
All in all you get 15 video tutorial, totally around 2 hours and 30 minutes of training.
Inside, Jamie Lewis & Andrea Fulton, talk you through the strategy of solo and and Jamie also covers some vague ideas about YouTube and using ClickFunnels to build squeeze pages.
There is not much to say really as there isn't much inside... I will tell you why the training is such low quality right now!
Why The Training Is Worthless
Here is the problem - the training shows you absolutely nothing. I really do mean nothing.
The entire training module created by Andrea are recordings of her where she talks about solo ads but there is zero over the shoulder tutorials.
I can also see that the videos are over 3 years old as there are timestamps inside from 2016!
My guess is these videos have been taken from a previous course which was sold many years ago. Cheeky!
If someone is teaching a beginner affiliate marketer about email marketing then you need to learn about websites, landing pages and email marketing, right?
The Training Does NOT Show You...
- How to create a website.
- How to set up autoresponders.
- How to build a complete squeeze page.
- How to create a lead magnet.
- How to create thank you pages.
- How to buy solo ads.
- How to scale your business.
- Which products to promote.
- How to find products to promote.
- How to do ANYTHING!
Equally, when I watched Jamie's part of the training, there is no training as such.
All the tutorials are segmented videos from an old webinar where Jamie simply chats about some obscure YouTube strategy and he show you how to send one email to a list - without any real explanation of what he is doing.
At the end of the webinar, there is nothing to have learned and there is ZERO congruence with the sales page or Andrea's training modules.
There is a lot of talk about "planning your day" and how you "have to go for it and take action" but there is ZERO direction on what exactly someone is supposed to do.
No guideline on website creating, squeeze pages or any kind of value is given here. Literally, zero!
Jamie even goes onto Freelancer and bumbles his way through a weird segment where he suggests you should buy a custom made website for $150 from Pakistan.... I mean, wow! That is a terrible idea
With no direction why you should buy a website or what you are supposed to use it for, Jamie does seem to just talk a lot but gives out zero advice or genuine practical advice.
Training Is Heavily Outdated
Inside the training, I can see that the date stamps on the WordPress page created is 2016, which is ancient in the online marketing world.
A lot of strategies and methods are evergreen so this may not be a red flag in itself but here it is.
No mention of GDPR:
During the training where you are briefly shown how to create a squeeze page, very badly I might add, Andrea makes no mention of the new GDPR requirements or the use of any legal pages such as Privacy Policies or Affiliate Disclosures.
This is obviously because the video predates this change in email marketing.
This is incredibly dangerous as this can land you in serious trouble.
MOBE & Empower Network:
During the training, Andrea repeatedly refers to both MOBE & Empower Network, both of which have been shut down. MOBE was shutdown in summer of 2018 by the FTC and Empower Network was closed down during 2017, I believe, after the owner, David Wood, went bankrupt and suffered a breakdown.
Again, this goes to prove how old this training is.
Misleading Sales Page & Hype
The sales page is a long and drawn out cheesy sales video where Jamie wanders around showing off his ClickBank commission stats with no explanation of how he made them.
Jamie keeps saying it is easy and you "just share your hoplink and people buy" and he goes onto suggest that anyone can do it.
These types of sales pages are common are 100% misleading because Jamie is selling you a dream and an idea without any proof or method.
You are being sold a flashy, shiny object which has ZERO value or relevant training inside. This review is proof of that.
Why Solo Ads Are Incredibly Dangerous For Beginner Marketers
Solo ads are a very common strategy to build a list of prospects to which you market product promotions and launches. There is nothing wrong with this strategy and there are some very obvious pros and cons.
However, this is ONLY a viable option IF you know what you are doing. For a complete beginner, using solo ads to build a business online is 100% dangerous and extremely costly.
This is because you have to have a bulletproof sales funnel and have a clear and long term plan of follow up email sequences to your newly acquired list.
Again, this is something which is NOT taught inside Profit365.
If you do not have a solid game plan then you will never build a relationship with your email list and no one will ever buy from you. Sure, you will get one or two sales but you will never return a positive ROI because the cost of the solo ads will be huge!
Couple this with the incredibly low CTR rate and open rates of emails, solo ads is a very costly and misleading strategy to be promoting to any beginner marketer.
Track Record Of Jamie Lewis & Andrea Fulton
Both of these product creators have a history of creating and promoting these kinds of low quality training modules.
The quality and relevance of Profit365 is without question incredibly low quality, there is no evidence to give any credibility to the training inside.
Another product I reviewed by Jamie and Matthew Neer, called Income League, was equally poor quality. I even uncovered some simple evidence which shows they most likely fabricate their sales proof, at least in my opinion.
Here is my video review of Income League:
Equally, Andrea has released a lot of products over the last 7 years or so, based on her track record of MunchEye. And I can't help but notice that all the domain listed no longer exist.
That either means that those services are simply old and outdated or they were taken down shortly after release. The latest on was only released 6 months ago and it has already been taken down...
What does that tell you? It tells you that they release short term and low quality training which is "churned and burned" and then re-released over and over - just like they have done here with Profit365.
My guess is that the videos inside are from a previous product created by Andrea.
My Overall Opinion
I think this review of Profit365 has given you a clear indication about my feelings towards this training module.
It is outdated, low quality and is very likely to steer beginner affiliate marketers in the completely wrong direction costing them $100's, if not $1000's, in the process.
It is my opinion that anyone who is trying to make money online should avoid this service for all the reasons I mentioned above because it holds no value and provides virtually zero guidance on how to build a business online as an affiliate marketer with ClickBank or any other affiliate network.
If you have any questions or comments then please do leave them below this video and I will be happy to help you out in any way I can.