In this review, I am looking at a brand new service called 'Kindle Sniper', by Martin Price, and I am going to tell you if I think it's going to help you make money online.
This monetisation method promises to show you how you can make money online using Amazon by selling Kindle books.
The idea is that you produce short and straightforward yet high-quality e-books which you can sell on Amazon for a small fee over and over again.
I have purchased 'Kindle Sniper', and I am now going to sit through the training to ensure that it is of the highest quality.
The following is my opinion only based on my experience when using this service. I have bought the front end product with no upsells.
What Is Inside 'Kindle Sniper'?
Inside the training area, I was a bit disappointed. All you get with this purchase is a single PDF document giving you a detailed overview of how you make money by creating and selling e-books for Kindle users.

I assumed that I would get a little bit more with my purchase considering I paid $37. A few video tutorials, perhaps?
The PDF document itself is 70 pages long and consists of 18 chapters which includes:
- Introduction
Chapter 1: Kindle Publishing Overview
- Formula for Success
- Creating Your First Book
- Costs and Profits Involved
Chapter 2: Signing Up to KDP & CreateSpace
- Signing Up to KDP
- KDP Dashboard
- Tax and Banking Information
- Signing Up to CreateSpace
- Tax and Banking Information
Chapter 3: Fiction or Nonfiction
- Targeting the Right Topics
- Pros and Cons of the Fiction Market
- Outsourcing Issues
Chapter 4: Quality over Quantity
- Importance of Reviews
- Being an Ethical Publisher
Chapter 5: Niche Research and Selection
- Brainstorming and Idea Research
Chapter 6: Criteria for Your First Niche
- Price Range
- Publication Date
- Amazon Best Seller Rank
- Number of Reviews
- Search Engine Optimization
- Cross Niche Potential
- Mistakes to Avoid
Chapter 7: Keyword Research
- Choosing the Right Keywords
- Using Amazon’s Search Engine
- Analyzing Competitors
Chapter 8: Creating a Title
- Main Title
- Subtitle
Chapter 9: Creating Your First Book
- Starting with a Template
- Standard Formatting for a Kindle Book
Chapter 10: Freelance Writing Marketplaces
- Hot Ghostwriter
- EWriter Solutions
- Upwork
- What to Include in Your Book
Chapter 11: Cover Design
- Designer for Dollars
- Leveling Up Your Designers
Chapter 12: Formatting for CreateSpace
- Basic Editing
- Formatting Freelancers
- Requirements for Book Formatting
- Requirements for Cover Formatting
Chapter 13: Publishing to KDP
- Kindle Book Details
- KDP Description
- Kindle Categories
- Uploading eBook Content
- Pricing Your Book
Chapter 14: Publishing to CreateSpace
- CreateSpace Book Details
- Physical Properties of a CreateSpace Book
- Description
- Categories and Keywords
- Channels
- Pricing
- Final Steps
Chapter 15: Getting Reviews
- Why Do We Need Reviews?
- Review Swaps
- Review Guidelines
- Posting Reviews
- Review Strategies
- Friends and Family
- Offering Your Book Online
- Amazon Top Reviewers
Chapter 16: Simple Keyword Strategy
- Searches Using Targeted Keywords
Chapter 17: Amazon Promotions
- Free Promotion Timeline
- Scheduling Your First Free Promotion
- Promoting Your Freebie
Chapter 18: Readjusting Your Price
- How to Change Your Price
Conclusion: Kindle Publishing Pipeline
As you can see, there is quite a lot of information available. However, I do find that this is more of an overview rather than any actionable content or plan.
Everything written is correct and accurate, as far as I'm aware, but there is no plan of action or any real guidance on what you need to do to produce a top seller on the Amazon marketplace.

The Problem With The Training
My main issue with training is that the PDF is very generic and there is no sensible and actionable content.
Let me give you some examples:
Choosing a niche - Training Example
During the training on how to pick your topic on which to write about the training is too generic
You are told to look around the room and find something to write about and to search around the Amazon marketplace and find something you like. Even though this is an acceptable way of digging into a niche under normal circumstances, I do not see it as being appropriate for this example because your first book is going to cost you almost $400 to produce.
Just going at it haphazardly with a random niche is not going to be enough. The training does go into more detail about the criteria of the first niche in relation to your competition, with aspects such as:
- price range
- publication date
- best seller rank
- number of reviews
- search engine optimisation
- cross niche potential
And they also have a tiny section on mistakes to avoid.
However overall, if you have no experience with producing any books of this nature, then there are simply too many ifs and buts here where you are very likely to choose a niche which is either too competitive or just has no demand.
Outsourcing Content - Training Example
The second issue I have is the outsourcing which is a crucial part of producing a valuable and readable e-book.
The training provided doesn't cover what you do to find the a good writer. True, they do give you the resources on which platforms to use, such as Upwork and HotGhostwriter, but there is no actionable content once again.
- How do you contact these writers and filter out the time wasters and the writers who have misleading reviews and experiences?
- How would you communicate with the writer properly to ensure that they are doing a good job?
- What do you do if the writer wasn't good enough and you feel they are underperforming?
These are just a few of the questions that you need to have an answer for with actionable content and a good grounding behind you, which is not provided inside 'Kindle Sniper'.
After all, you are paying hundreds of dollars to have this content written so it is going to be a costly mistake if you end up with a piece of content you can't use.

I do have many more issues with this training, but I think that this is enough to give you
an idea of the generic nature of this the PDF.
Kindle Sniper Is Not Beginner Friendly
This method of making money online is not a beginner friendly way of starting.
Due to the large volume of content you will be outsourcing you need to understand the basic concepts of:
- good grammar
- content flow and user experience
- the overall message of your book
- how to proofread and edit content
- understanding cash flow
- and much much more
Making money with Amazon Kindle sales is not a case of merely uploading e-books and making money. You need to have previous experience with writing and with Internet Marketing in general before you try this.
Publishing Kindle books is going to be a costly way to try and make your first sale online.

Publishing Kindle Books Is A Very Expensive Way To Start Online
If you have a limited budget, then this is going to be incredibly expensive for you, if you choose to outsource your content.
The initial products, 'Kindle Sniper', is $37 and then you have to pay more than $300 per e-book you produce and list on Amazon.
Bear in mind that at the beginning you will be selling e-books for $0.99 of which Amazon will take a 35% commission. The idea is that you sell a lot of books very cheaply and then gradually raise the price as you get better rankings and better reviews.
However, this takes time, and if you're selling your books at a $0.60 revenue, then it is going to take you a long time to get your three hundred dollars back and don't forget this is only one e-book.
So if you are on a budget and you cannot afford to live for 2/3 months without making money and that $300 is vital for your day-to-day living then this is not the right way for you to go.
The Sales Page Is Incredibly Misleading
The one thing I hate about these types of services is the sales page and the ludicrous claims they make.
All the testimonials are fake and paid for - if you have a look at Grace's review about Kindle Sniper you can see that she has found all these so-called testimonials as paid gigs on Fiverr as well.

From the sales page! Obviously paid for and fake!
I do want to make this point of saying that if a service, like 'Kindle Sniper', actually did produce such fantastic profits for its students; why have they not got honest and down-to-earth testimonials from those students?
The only answer can be that the method doesn't work because they need to pay someone for their testimonials.
I know from experience that when a product actually works people flock online to share it with friends and they will gladly give away glowing testimonials to show off their profits.
It seems that Kindle Sniper does not have that kind of following, and I can only assume it is because the method is generic and there is no system here.
You are simply sold standard PLR PDF document.
FREE Alternatives To 'Kindle Sniper'
Here is a list of a few resources I have found by merely Googling how to make money online selling Kindle books. I have had a look read through them, and they seem to be of high quality and you can use these to learn a lot more about producing your own Kindle book than you will ever learn within 'Kindle sniper'.
Please be aware I have not verified any links or product placements inside these resources so use any recommendations by these authors with care.
The Mentality You Need To Make Money Using Amazon
If you are serious about creating Amazon e-books then you need to adopt a certain mentality and be willing to take certain risks.
There is a clear-cut process of producing a Kindle book, which in itself is very straightforward and simple when you think about it.
The only huge downside is YOU and YOUR ability to see the process through to the end.

Remember that making money online, regardless of the monetisation method, takes time and you will have to wait for a month or two before you see positive results.
If you list an e-book on Amazon it will take you about a month to create it, and then it will take another 2 to 3 months before you get any reasonable sales and that is only if you have done proper keyword research and you have targeted an in demand niche.
Even then you are selling the book very cheaply to get the ball rolling, so you are going to have to sell hundreds if not thousands of copies before you see a positive return on investment for your time and your upfront cost.
I know this sounds very negative, but this is the reality of making money online, especially when you are doing something as expensive as making e-books through outsourcing.
Don't get me wrong, it is 100% possible, and a lot of people will make money this way, but you need to have the mentality of thinking long-term and using a calculated risk on this project.
Would I Recommend 'Kindle Sniper'?
In this day and age, you need to have actionable and beginner friendly content with video tutorials and clear action plans.
Therefore, based on my review of Kindle Sniper, I cannot recommend this product.
The training within 'Kindle Sniper' fails to deliver because it's too generic and there is no real plan of action, and I believe that any beginner who buys this will end up wasting a lot of money on freelancers and writing content which nobody will ever read.
This is because it's not as simple as just listing the book on Amazon sitting back and waiting for the profits to roll in.
If you do not have the skill to know what good content is then you will get bad reviews and your sales will dry up.
Bearing in mind the significant cost of producing one single e-book you have to have a very clear-cut plan and substantial cash flow to make this work.
Not every single e-book will rank well and sell well which means you have to have the budget for one or two flops which, I'm sure you can figure out yourself, is going to be a costly learning curve. dude you are dead on bruitially honest it hurts. But totally different. I live the number system. Love love love it. I sent someone whom I follow your website cause she wanted to know if we liked the format. Well it was awesome till I came here and I am using a phone. Your site looks better on my phone so I told here. I wish you would provide a list of those reviews via a list that were 7 or higher. Thanks for the review as I checked other folks. I dis like bill darr as I bought something from him and warrior plus gave him an ear full for push button traffic which was crap. Email me offers please.
Thanks for your kind words! It means a lot to me. I have emailed you about some offers you may want to see. Yep, Billy Darr and his partners have a lot of products floating around on the Internet – the ones I have tried have not been the greatest, I must admit!