In this review, I am discussing a product which was released in mid 2016 called TubeLoom.
The sales page of this product claims you can tap into a YouTube hack and make hundreds of dollars everyday.
If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know at, this point, that I am suspicious already but let us take a gander at what is inside the members area before I start judging this service.
Will TubeLoom help you make money online? Well, keep reading and let me show you what I think. Here is my opinion...

My Overall Personal Experience
As soon as I join I am hit with the usual upsells, more on that in the next paragraph, and I am greeted by a rather simple looking members area.
I load up the first welcome video and I am greeted by a guy called, Dean Henry. As per usual, it is a low quality presentation made in a small room and it does not fill you with confidence. However, this Dean character seems like a very nice man which I found very refreshing.
I load up the first training video and the introduction banner reads "Easy Tube Commissions" - ah, this is not good. I immediately realise I have been sold either a re-branded version of a failed product or a re-sellers version of a low quality one. Either way, this is a clear warning sign.

This is a different product training.
Once I do some research and find I can see that this Dean Henry guys is on the sales page.
But, let's see what the training is like anyways. At this point, I have a fairly good idea of what is coming but I always make sure I sit through every minute of the training so I can give a complete account and be as accurate as I can.
The training itself is below average but not the worst I have seen. Dean talks you through the process of finding a product to review, uploading it to YouTube, monetizing it and how to "juice up" the SEO and traffic.
The problem is that there is no in depth training here of any kind, just a brief introduction.
I think all together the training module videos barely add up to 45 minutes. This shows how thin this training really is. I have made training videos where just the introduction is 45 minutes long.
You can easily create a 45 minute tutorial on how to "pick a product" on its own, so the fact that the whole training package is only 45 minutes long, gives you an insight into the quality of TubeLoom.
The methods taught, albeit legit and commonplace, are outdated and they do encourage the production of super low quality review videos which saturate the YouTube search results.
Why not make a high quality, honest and proper YouTube review, instead of mass producing low quality videos just for the sake of it??

Module 1: Picking the Product
In this 5:28min long module you are shown how to pick a product to promote with your YouTube reviews.
You are shown which websites to visit to find a product which qualifies as a worthwhile item to review. I will not tell you which criteria Dean uses to choose his products, you have to pay for that info.
This training is short and thin. There is no mention of how to research competition, search volume or even if the product you are choosing is trustworthy or even legal.
Module 2: The review Video
In this 3:39 min long module you are taught what software you need to record your video review. You are also told which types of reviews you can do and he points out you can get a free copy of a product you want to review.
Funnily enough, you not actually shown how to create a review. You are told "Create a thorough review"...
So, in a nutshell, you are told about 3 different types of reviews you can do with no guidance on how to write or create any of them. Pretty much sums up the quality of the whole training.
Module 3A: Video Optimization
This 4:58 min tutorial takes you through how to upload a video to YouTube and to rename a video file. That is all there is to cover in this tutorial.
Module 3B: Video Optimization
The next module is 4:53 and covers how to add keywords, tags, catagory and description to your video which you just uploaded. This is probably the only part of all the training which seems to be ok and not a complete waste of time.
Module 3C: Video Optimization
In the last of the Video Optimization tutorial you are shown how to add your affiliate link to the description and how to make your YouTube video live. That's all...
Module 4: Outsourcing YouTube SEO
In this 16 minute long video, you are shown how to find gigs on Fiverr and other similar websites to buy YouTube views, comments and blog post embeds, etc. This incredibly poor advice and I urge you not to join this trend.
Dean spends the entire video simply searching through the results and showing what kind of service to buy. I am not entirely sure what he hopes to achieve with this but there you go...
The service he recommended are the stereotypical black hat, low quality and worthless SEO type services:
- Guaranteed 3,000 real U.S views.
- 50 blog post videos embeds.
- and so on.... you get the idea.
The first upsell offers you an additional module where you can watch "over the shoulder" and you are shown step by step how to create profitable campaigns.
This extra training will only cost you around $65 and will, of course, increase your earnings considerably.
When I try to exit, I am offered a $30 discount. I decline politely.
The second upsell offers you a done for you email campaign package. The idea is you collect email addresses when you complete sales and then retarget them with follow up emails to make even more sales.
The video says it takes no more than 30 minutes per day and costs only $47. As always, this method will increase your earnings to another level!

The obvious springs to mind with this upsell. If the initial product you sell, using the TubeLoom method, is low quality and will not help the customers needs. Why on earth would they then buy another product from you, regardless of how many email you send?
Is this method legitimate?
There is nothing wrong with using product launches to capture traffic. It is a very normal and profitable way to conduct business. If a hot new product is being released, why would you not want to promote it?
However, the method taught here is not worth pursuing because it is tailored to the low end of the spectrum. This training does NOT show you how to make high quality reviews or even how to rank the videos properly.
This method is legitimate but if you use this training then you will end up promoting low quality products, some of which may not be 100% legal and almost 95% of them will be just as low quality as Tube Loom.
Would you really want your name attached to such a low quality product?
Will You Make Money?
Meh, I doubt it. Will you get traffic, sure you will. There will be people searching for these products you promote and you will get sales.
However, the end result will be the same as I mentioned before. The quality of the products you are selling are so low that after you factor in the refund rate, how much would you actually make?
Your efforts are much better spend blogging or some other method of making money online.