Are you interested in making money from home? There are many ways to do so, you just have to find what way works the best for you. It is obvious that you have heard of Neobux. Now what you need to know is Neobux worth it? The clear-cut answer is no. I have found an abundance of reasons why Neobux simply is not worth a second of your time and here’s why.

I have personally used Neobux a few years ago and I did get paid but it was not worth the effort. I spent 3 month paying for rented referrals and recycling them and spent hundreds of dollars in the process. I got about $80 back on my investment and it was a complete waste of time.

You can see other complaints on the comments section on another Neobux review site.

Rented Referrals

The most obvious way to make money quicker is by renting referrals. You pay to have these people work for you so, their clicks count towards your earnings. The truth is that not one person has seen any benefit from these paid referrals. It’s being said that paid referrals are not even real. It’s just a way for Neobux to make money, not you. The truth is that the paid (rented) referrals will not make you as much money as you have to pay for them. Actually, it has been said that the rented referrals are nothing more than bots.

In order to make money from the rented referrals you have to keep recycling them and spend more money.

Payout is Low

The truth of the matter is that it takes time and money to build up any substantial type of revenue. Then it seems that the chances are that if you are actually making money and not losing money then your account will be suspended for some reason.

People are lucky if they earn a dollar per week. Clicks do not even pay one cent. If you want to make money, you must spend money. Upgrade your membership, pay for rented referrals, and so on. Even then, you may make $50 in a year or so. The payout is so extremely low that it is not even worth a person’s time to do this on a daily basis. If you were planning on Neobux being your stay at home income, you better think again.

If you want to do small tasks for small payouts then you are much better off trying Swagbucks.

avoid neobux if possible

Time and More Time

The time that it takes a person working for pay per clicks on Neobux is unreal. You will have to be on the Neobux site every single day, clicking all your daily adverts. Even then, the payout will still be less than a dollar. If you do not click on your adverts then you do not get paid for your rented referrals.

Users must pay Neobux to advance their membership and for paid referrals. This is truly the only way to make a commission. Even then, people spend months and years clicking continuously on advertisements daily only to have their account suspended and to lose all their money. Neobux is hands down a complete and total waste of time. Even customers who have been working with Neobux from the beginning say that the years they spent clicking was nothing more than lost time that they regret.

Horrible Customer Service

This is another issue that is unbelievable. The complaints about rude customer service representatives have come from numerous individuals. It is clear that if you have a problem, customer service will be of no help. Neobux customer service representatives will not admit if there is a problem on their end. Not only are they rude to the people asking for help but, they are threatening.

They actually threaten people with the suspension of their accounts. Remember, if your account is suspended then you lose it all. All of the points you have earned and the money you have earned will be gone in an instant.

Suspended Accounts

Not only does the Neobux customer service representatives threaten to suspend the accounts. From researching numerous Neobux user reviews, it has come to my attention that Neobux suspends user’s accounts for no valid reason.

It is clear that once a person gets their cash payout in the double digits, their account is then suspended by Neobux. So, all of these people’s time was a waste and their money is gone.

When Neobux customer service is contacted, they either do not respond or they give a false reason for the account being suspended. The Neobux representatives will say that the user was hacking, or that they used a phone to click, or some other reason that is a complete and utter lie.

do not use neobux

Gone in a Flash

Let’s look at Neobux a different way for a moment. Pretend that you are making money from Neobux. You have earned way more money than you have spent. You love the site. As a stay at home mom or dad, Neobux has become a substantial source of income for you and your family. In a drop of a hat, Neobux can decide to close their doors. Will they still pay you what you have earned up to that point? I think not. Your money is lost.

That’s why when you are working from home, it is best to branch out. Do not put all of your eggs in one basket. Certainly, do not rely on Neobux or a pay per click site as your source of income. That’s the tricky thing about working from home. These sites can stop in an instant. That leaves you stuck. If you have a family to care for, you are in trouble. If you rely on Neobux and plan on it never going away. You better come up with another plan. It is in your best interest to always have a backup plan. Especially, if you work for Neobux.

Final Thoughts

Do you really want to spend hours, days, months and your hard earned money to try and earn money from home, only to have it taken away? Of course not. If you are asking yourself is Neobux worth it? It’s becoming more and more obvious that Neobux is not what they claim to be. While I won’t downright say Neobux is a scam. I will say that Neobux is a very poor company and not a legit way to earn money.

There are way more cons to Neobux than pros. If you really want to waste your time earning measly cents, there are better sites out there than Neobux. Here you have found an abundance of reasons to disregard Neobux as a money making opportunity. Is Neobux worth it? Not at all.

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