Keyword research is a must within the affiliate marketing world – without it, you are shooting without aiming. Finding ways to find buyer keywords can be tricky when you do not know how. Nevertheless, it can get a little bit tiresome trying to find new keywords all the time – especially if they have to be super targeted to a certain demographic.

In this article, I am going to show you how to find buyer keywords. Some of them will be blindingly obvious to most of you and others which may not seem so self-evident.

Buyer Keywords Are Competitive, Or Are They?How To Find Buyer Keyword

You need to find keywords which have consumer “intent” because simply focusing on keywords like “cheapest”, “best”, won’t do you any good because they will be highly competitive and hard to rank for. You have to find keyword phrases where the searcher is ready to get their credit card out!

You need to think outside the box and come up with words that are a bit more long-tail and avoid the typical, average and ordinary ways of searching for goods online. However, if you create a COMBINATION of common and high competition keywords, then you will find good results.

40 x Keywords With Buying Intent

I want to point out here that these keywords can be combined to make more complex and long-tail keywords. You can also combine them with a whole host of other keywords to create a fantastic set of buyer focused keywords.

I will never be able to write a complete list because it is endless. You can take each one of the bullet points and elaborate on them 10-fold!

  • How can
  • How do
  • How to
  • Why does
  • When does
  • Best way to remove
  • Easiest way to remove
  • Lowest price for [product]
  • Why is [product]
  • Why would I buy [product]
  • What is the best [product]
  • When should I use [product]
  • [product] honest review
  • [product] legit review
  • [product] best review
  • [product] legitimate review
  • Is [product] a scam
  • Is [product] legit
  • Is [product] any good
  • Is [product] useful for men
  • Is [product] useful for women
  • Is [product] safe for kids
  • Will [product] help me
  • Will [product] make
  • Does [product] work
  • Is [product] good for you
  • Does [product] damage your health
  • Would [product] benefit
  • Would [product] work in
  • Would [product] help with
  • Would [product] be useful
  • Why is [product] so
  • Is [product] easy to
  • Is [product] better than [product]
  • [product] V [product]
  • Is [product] the best online
  • Easiest way to
  • Quickest way to
  • Simplest way to
  • Best way to

Why Are These Keywords Important?

The list above is important because they are words people would use to find information. People want to reassure themselves before they buy and so they Google with INTENT to find the reassurance they require before they purchase something.

By using keywords like these, you are targeting your audience at the most critical point in their conversion journey, just before they decide to buy!

Imagine you are looking to buy a laptop online. You have found one you like but the one deciding factor, in your mind, is whether or not your chosen laptop is better value than it’s nearest competitor. You decide to Google “[Laptop A] Vs [Laptop B] and they find YOUR website.

Do you see what I am getting at here?

Because you chose a purposeful keyword, with intent, you are now in the perfect position to convince your reader that YOUR advice is credible and honest about the product at hand. If you write quality and honest content, then this person is likely to click on your links because you are the deciding factor which changes a person from a user to a consumer.

How Do I Use These Buyer Keywords?

You need to be as specific as you can with the keywords you choose. Stay away from the broad ones. Look at the image below; these are the kind of broad keywords you want to avoid.

buyer keyword examples

There is no intent here; they are just “browsing” for a generic term like baking or a vague search for baking bread. These have no use or interest – not to mention they are so competitive you would never rank highly for them.

However, if you were to make them long-tail with a selection of buyer/intent keywords such as the image below, this changes the whole process.

best buyer keyword examples

As you can see from the image above. These long tail keywords are much more specific which, not only means that the competition is MUCH lower, but they are much easier to sell because you know EXACTLY what the user is looking for.

Each one of those search terms can easily be a blog post, and within them, you can put product placements for all kinds of baking products.

Other Buyer Words That Are Useful

  • Help
  • Cure
  • Heal
  • Best
  • Easily
  • For Old people
  • For Seniors
  • Solution
  • Stop
  • Protect
  • Avoid
  • Deal with
  • Cope with
  • Get rid of
  • Remove
  • Training
  • Need

These are the kind of words you can slot in and combine with the longer combination from the list at the start of this post.

researching buyer keywords

Finding The Search Terms With Traffic

Once you have grasped the method of finding excellent buyer keywords you need to put it into action and find the search terms which receive traffic. You can have the best keyword in the world but if no one is searching for it, then what use is it?

Another note to make is, if you’re a beginner, that you have to chase the long tail and low competition keywords. Low competition search terms are easier to rank for, and there are a lot more of them. You can search for the same product or service in hundreds of different ways – depending on what your intent is and your needs concerning the products.

The best keyword research tool is Jaaxy. I use it for all my research.

The software itself is very easy to use. You simply type in the term you want results for, and Jaaxy will show you how many people are looking for those keywords.

Another important note here is this; Writing an article which ranks No.1 in Google, but only receives 10 hits per month, is more valuable than an article which is on page 5 that receive ZERO hits per month – even if it has 10,000 searches. 

Find quality keywords with low competition which you can rank for and don’t worry too much about how many people are searching because any traffic is good traffic – as long as they are searching for buyer keywords.

There is another great article on buyer keywords over at Niche Hacks you can get your teeth sunk into if you are looking for more information.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you know more buyer keywords, then feel free to post them below! There are hundreds more out there!

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