How to Earn Money Online With Google AdSense

With the advancements man made in the technological sector, the overall psychology of the working class changed over time. People are looking for ways to make money online simply because they want to escape the boundaries of the typical 9 – 5 life.

Working and earning money online from the comfort of one’s home is a professional life that is being desired by millions around the world. A fascinating fact is that numerous individuals are doing the exact same this at this exact point of time around the world.

AdSense is an advertising program that is provided by Google totally free of cost. It is an advertising platform that allows a user to run advertisements on their blogs, websites and even YouTube videos. What is the goal of it all? Well, the user gets paid when the traffic or in other words the visitors click on them.


There are a number of reasons why AdSense can be a great alternative if you can work something that can drive to your content online. Following are some of the many benefits of using AdSense.

It’s free

It’s absolutely free to join AdSense and create an account in the same.

Market yourself

The requirements that make a particular individual or organization eligible for reaping the benefits of AdSense are simple. The best part is that a user can monetize their content even when the same is new.

Customizable options

There are various options made available to the user that is tailored in such a way that it suits their requirements. The variations in ad options altogether work towards the convenience factor of the user by enabling them with the flexibility factor of customizing their ads as per the overall look and feel of their site.

Flexible payment mode

The payment mode of Google is monthly and they do the same by directly depositing the revenue in the account of the user.

One account for all your AdSense needs

The flexibility of running numerous ads on different websites and blog posts from a single AdSense account is made available.

Add on benefits

Extra benefits like running ads on mobile devices are also available on request free of cost


The benefits of using AdSense are many but nothing is perfect in this world and neither is AdSense. Some of the drawbacks of the platform are stated below:

Strict rules and standards

Google is an international and household name. Therefore, they maintain and abide by their strict policies. If the user doesn’t meet the necessary requirements as stated in the agreement they can terminate the account of the user at any point of time without prior notice

Proper identification of target audience is required

Similar to the other forms of online money making routes, an individual first needs to come up with and identify their target audience if they want to make money for sustenance of one’s standard of living.

Types of AdSense Advertisements

The types and variations of ads on offer from Google that a user can run on their content and blog posts are discussed below:

Text Ads

Textual ads make the use of words, either in the form of a standalone Ad Unit or a list of offers in a Link Unit. The advertisements are offered in a variety of size and colors that can be customized as per the taste and requirements of the user.

Graphic ads

Graphical ads or ads that include an image file in them. options are also made available to the user where they can mix and match both images and text for maximizing the impact .

HTML based ads

HTML based ads that are capable of running rich media content for providing the visitor with an engaging and interactive experience.

Inclusion of search tool

Websites, blogs and articles that make the use of the services provided by AdSense allow the users incorporate a search tool that a visitor can make use of. This allows the visitor to look for content and articles as per their requirements.

How to Earn Money Online With Google AdSense

Generating a significant amount of money from AdSense is not that easy as it sounds. It requires meticulous planning and calculated approach.

Given below are some tips that ensure revenue generation via the platform:

Abide by the rules

Adhering to and careful inspection of the rules formulated by Google is crucial for ensuring your account’s existence. The Webmaster policy of AdSense is also strict in terms of flexibility.

Make use of honest means

Clicking on your own ads or making others click on the same is against the rules and end user license agreement (EULA) devised by Google. Buying space at Pay Per Click (PPC) services or making use of certain programs that drive user traffic towards the websites or blog posts are strictly forbidden.

Create rich and relevant content

The content should be at par with the requirements of the target audience of a particular blog post or website.

Use creative traffic building skills

Making the use of genuine traffic building skills is advised as this would not only raise the standards of the website/blog post as a whole all the while adding to the amount of generated revenue. Making the website rank high in the results shown in a search engine by implementing measures like search engine optimization. This can be achieved only by creating high-quality content and implementing searchable keywords related to the topic.

To maximize your revenue generation

Trial and error is the best possible way to settle for a particular ad form offered by the AdSense that maximizes revenue generation. Settle for a particular form of ad only after going through all of the available options in the platform.

Pay attention to the feedback

Keep a close watch on the feedback emails from Google. If a particular feature or element is not present in your website or blog post and Google is providing warning emails to you, failing to act on them may ultimately lead the termination of the AdSense account of an individual.

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