This review will focus on a brand new product called The AZCode (Amazon Code), by Andrew Peterson, which focuses on making money online selling products on Amazon as an ecommerce merchant.
This is obviously not a new method of making money online but it is still a very viable option. I paid $37 for the front end product and a further $197 for the PRO version.
The sales page seems to be extremely hyped up and even promises you the notion of becoming a millionaire in the next year which, for me, is already a clear warning sign with regards to the quality of this service.
So, as always, I bought the product went through the training and I am now going to tell you if I think it is going to help you make money online. The following is my opinion only.

What Do You Get Inside & How Does It Work?
Once I logged in to the membership area I must admit I was very shocked. What I was presented with was a meagre two PDFs!
I am not even kidding, a simple page with two PDFs. Nothing more!

That is ALL you get! Nothing more!
I would have thought, given that I paid over $200 for this, that there would be at least some video tutorials or some kind of membership area.
Check out this fantastic resource on importing good from China which is completely free!
The PDFs themselves consist of roughly 90 pages and give you an outline of what it takes to become an Amazon merchantby importing good from China to sell on Amazon.
I can see straight away that all this information is readily available online for free if you simply Google it.
You are given instruction about:
- common mistakes new vendors make
- review strategies
- pay per click advertising
- sales funnels
- squeeze page
- analysing competition
- analysing product demand
- packaging design
- satisfying early adopters
- connecting with suppliers
- how to identify reliable suppliers
- ...and much much more.
The training material is extensive and they do give some very good tips and resources you can look at, such as supplier databases, plugins and platforms to help increase sales.
Nevertheless, they are selling you a pipe dream here. Importing goods from China and other countries to sell on websites like Amazon is not easy and it requires a lot of work and for the most part, requires quite a large upfront investment.
Why they have such a hyped up sales page I do not know because it holds no bearing on the truth in relation to the training they provide.
Both the basic and the pro version simply act as an introduction to becoming an Amazon merchant.
There is no actual walkthrough of the process of:
- how to contact suppliers
- how to import goods
- how to lists them on Amazon and process payment
- how to organise packaging and shipping costs
- ...and so on and so forth
The training itself is only an introduction, nothing else.

HUGELY overpriced and misleading! Thank god there is a money back guarantee!
Is The AZ Code A Scam?
I would not say it is a scam as such. However, it is my opinion, that the AZ Code product is extremely overpriced and very misleading to its customers.
The creators have taken a very simple idea and created an introductory course to the world of Amazon selling. You can find free resources such as this guide on "How To Import From China" which, again, is completely free and has far more tools and other resources attached to it than the training I just paid for.
They have created a very psychologically triggered sales page which is incredibly misleading and hyped up in order to increase sales.
I find this type of marketing very disturbing because no one who buys this will actually become an Amazon merchant due to the lack of training available inside.
A normal day equivalent I can think of is if a businessman said to you: “You should open a cafe and make a lot of money. Here, buy this guide which will show you how to become a millionaire by opening cafes”
When you buy the guide, it gives you a brief outline of how to how to set up a cafe but it fails to actually show you how to run it, make food, serve customers or to make it profitable.
Essentially, what I am trying to say here, is that you have been sold a pipe dream. An idea. A basic introduction to a lucrative business which takes years to master and a lot of money to initiate.

Will You Make Money Using The Training Provided?
In my opinion, you're extremely unlikely to make money with the training available inside this product.
There are so many angles and so many products to choose from that your chances of success are extremely slim, not to mention you actually have to ship over physical products and store them somewhere!
The competition on Amazon is fierce and every market is very saturated. Here are a few free tricks to try and overcome the competition.
Given the start-up costs involved in the business venture like this and the natural failure rate of any business, regardless of the niche, you are extremely likely to fail using this method.
The main problem is that the training is so brief that there is no actual implementation strategy. There is no actual tutorial showing you how to do anything.
So if you were to try and implement any of the content in the training you are effectively entering into the e-commerce industry completely blind, with just a simple guide to back you up.

The Training Fails To Mention Certain Aspects
The training doesn't really dig deep enough into any subjects.
Whether it is contacting suppliers, sourcing products or even the marketing, they never truly dig down into how to actually do anything.
The only thing you get from the training material is a brief general overview of what the concept is but without actually giving you a method or an implementation strategy.
There is no real mention of how to calculate profit or how much the actual cost of anything is going to be. There is also virtually no mention of the practical elements such as import tax and storage of imported goods.
There are simply so many aspects which, due to the generic nature of the trainer, are completely open to misinterpretation and will lead to misunderstandings and confusion regarding what to do in certain situations.
100% Misleading Sales Page
Let's talk about the sales page. The sales page itself is incredibly misleading and only serves to draw in the inexperienced and the naive.
I myself was sucked into this type of sales funnel many times in my earlier days before I learnt how affiliate marketing works, and it is so humiliating and incredibly destructive when you have products like this.
The narrator literary promises you easy money and they use screenshots of huge profits in order to suck you in without taking into account costs such as:
- packaging
- your time and labour costs
- shipping costs
- import tax
- staffing costs
- storage costs
- and so on…
This makes the sales page and an outright lie but because of the small print and the legal boundaries, they are allowed to say anything they want to so they can sell this product.
Much like deodorant commercials which promise you that you can get any woman you want by smelling like a lion, the AZ Code system can promise you huge profits for no effort because they are covered by the terms and conditions of the sale.
This type of advertising is extremely destructive, at least in my opinion, and should not be allowed on this scale.

That is quite a bold suggestion???
Would I Recommend The AZ Code?
Absolutely not. I would not recommend buying this service, based on my opinions I have voiced in my review.
There are plenty of resources out there which are completely free and give you a much better overview in a much more interactive way, resulting in better learning and safer results.
It is clear that this training has been made with one purpose, to be sold. Nothing else.
It is my opinion that the author has created this to be sold on mass and the actual content has not really been taken into consideration.
Even though the training material is relevant and up to date, it is just too generic without any real implementation methods mentioned.
They are effectively dressing up the donkey and trying to sell it as a horse.
There is nothing wrong with the donkey, but you think you are buying a horse, that is my issue here.
Fake Testimonials, According To Other Critics
According to Miren, over at, the testimonials are fake as well. This is not an uncommon thing to see in low quality Internet marketing products such as AZ Code.
Thank You SO much for Reviewing this Product! You have confirmed exactly what I suspected. I have not bought into this Program. So far it’s been fun, but it’s much harder than it looks. I started out taking some online Udemy Courses and they have been very Helpful AND I might add, MUCH cheaper than the price of this bogus AzCode!!!! Also, as you’ve stated, there are MANY helpful videos about Amazon on YouTube. So, I too encourage anyone to stay away from this false-promise Program and endeavor to research on their own the real truth about eCommerce opportunities! Buying into this AzCode is just helping make someone else rich. There are far better ways to learn about this stuff on your own. Thanks for the Honest Review! (Keep ’em coming!!!) Best Regards – CL