I recently gave a software called Content Constructor a trial run and these are my findings. I purchased the product and tested the features and attempted to write an article.
The Content Constructor promises to make your article writing quicker, SEO friendly and easier. Does it live up to expectations?
Product Name – Content Constructor
Owner – Andy Black
Price – $27 Basic – Additional $27 Pro
My Rating – Average
Website – http://www.contentconstructor.com/– I am not affiliated with this product.

What Is Content Constructor?
Content Constructor is a piece of software which searches the Internet for snippets of information based on a keyword of your choice. You can then copy and paste all these sentences together to create one, coherent piece of work.
For example; if you want the software to search for information relating to the words “Adding images to WordPress.” You just type in those words, click search, and the results will show sentences related to this keyword phrase.
The idea from there is to copy and paste these sentences together to make an article. The genius thing here is you can very quickly get hundreds of ideas and complete sentences within seconds on your chosen keyword. Which is really fresh and quite inspirational in a way because you get a bunch of ideas from lots of different sources.

My Personal Experience With The Software
When I first loaded up the software, I was surprised by the ease of use. It is very simple yet effective. After a few minutes of trying the various options, I was genuinely pleased with the search results because the sentences which appeared were surprisingly relevant to the keyword I was searching for and of excellent quality. But, this was where my enthusiasm ended.
The results which appear are copied from other websites – with the idea that you copy them and apply slight changes to make them original. Well, isn’t that just stealing? This may just be my opinion, but I was not comfortable with that as I want my content to be written by me, and me only.
Another issue I had was the related to this same issue. When you copy sentences, at random, from other sites and paste them together, there is no flow to the content. All the sentences in question were written at different times for various purposes, and so they did not read in a natural and organic way without editing them quite heavily.
By the end of my article – which was only 500 words – my first thought was; I could have just written this myself. You have to remember you are copying and pasting 15/20 words at a time. Trying to mix and match totally random content like that is tricky at best, not to mention when you are trying to add your own unique touch to someone else’s material.
What Did I Like?
- You are given instant access to the software.
- The software is VERY easy to use.
- The search result were very relevant and good quality.
What Did I Not Like?
- I could not shake the feeling I was simply stealing other people’s content.
- There is no natural flow to the content without editing the whole thing.
- As a blogger I did not feel comfortable using software which robs my content of originality and a personal touch.
Training Provided
The software is so simple and easy to use there really did not need to be any training. However, there was a video provided with Andy Black showing how to use the features. The video is concise and really well put together.
Is The Support Good?
The only part of the support I tested was the refund department. I requested a refund shortly after determining that the software was of no use to me. They offer a 30-day money back guarantee, and I wanted to see if they would honour this statement. They did, and it was dealt with in a timely fashion I might add!

My Overall Review
I believe that Content Constructor has potential. It is definitely NOT a scam as such, but it is not of great quality. If you want to create genuinely unique and engaging content you will, unfortunately, have to write it from scratch all by yourself.
I hope you found this article of some use and please do leave a comment below if you have had any experience using the Content Constructor. I would love to hear your opinion!
At first sight, this software sounds really interesting, especially if you’re new to content writing and you’re not too used to it. However, only thinking about it, I would feel like it’s not my work, you know? And in a way, it would be true. And now I can see that it’s exactly what you stated here, that you somehow had the impression that you’re stealing someone else’s work.
Anyway, the good news is that it’s not a scam at least 🙂
Thanks for this review, it was the first time I ever read about Content Constructor!
Hi Ashley
Perhaps one day it will be tweaked to the point where it does not feel like stealing. I did like the software, it was very easy to use. However, the content you create on your website has to be unique and natural, otherwise it does not work. Thanks for taking the time to comment! Appreciated!
After reading this review, I’m seeing some positives and negatives with this software. First of all, I understand the wish to have your personal stamp on all of the content on your site. However, it does seem like the software will at least allow you to “build” content from around the web that you can then spin into a more cohesive piece. This could definitely be beneficial for folks who are running more than one site at a time & wish to be prolific with their content posting.
I also think the fact that the creator offers a no hassles guarantee is a positive as well. Awesome review.
Hi Philip,
Thanks for reviewing content constructor, lots of detail and some clear and pros and cons for using this type of product. Creating original content I think is challenging for most people starting out and think most people doing the majority of their research online by researching other sites in the same area or field. This especially the case in affiliates where your niche maybe something you interested or passionate about but not really an expert. It seems like content constructor have taken the premise and thinking that if people are using other sites to create content, providing the snippets of content but not really considering context. They are not providing anything extra and seem to only provide you with content that still needs a lot of work to benefit your website.
I totally agree with you!
Personoly I wouldn’t use them, the main reason is that I want the uniqueness on my site, also because when I’m writing content myself, I get better with the time, educating myself some very useful skill.
But for somebody that has only a small amount of time, and is looking to generate money to make better his life, it might be a good idea.
Hey Phillip, thank you for this article I have always been curious on how programs like this works good to get someone’s insight on it. I feel the same way you do I think there’s way more satisfaction in writing your own piece, my guilty conscious would kill me if I used a program like this it just doesn’t seem authentic enough.
Hi there! I believe that this software, as mentioned a few times before, could be very beneficial for busy bloggers and people who post on multiple websites, but what about people from other areas? For example, if a University student would use this to help in writing a thesis, would it be considered plagiarism? In this sense, would a blogger using the same software be committing plagiarism when he/she uses the software to write his article? As many have stated, they wouldn’t be comfortable using this as it would feel as if they’ve stolen ideas, but are they actually stealing ideas? It would be great if someone could clear this up for me or anyone with a similar question.
I believe it depends on how much of the content you alter. The sentences which the software collects are usually 15/30 words long. So, if you only change 3 of those words – which is quite often the case in the instruction video – then I would say that is stealing.
It is a tricky one to be honest because everyone has a different idea of what plagiarism is. I would say, if you do use this software, to use it for brainstorming and collecting ideas – but write the content in your own style from scratch.
Thanks Paul, appreciate the comment and questions.
Very interesting product! I have never heard of it. I understand the feeling that you might be stealing content, but if you have to edit it so it flows, I would think that makes it your own. And you would be able to gain insight that you may not have otherwise. At first, I thought it might be kind of weird to take others sentences and make them my own, but I talked with my husband about it and he disagreed. He is a writer and pointed out that there are few new ideas out there. Most of the time as writers, we are using others ideas, so this is just another form, as long as it’s edited and made into your own. Thanks for the article, now I want to check out the product!
Thanks for the review. It helps.
But, how about using it for research?
Does it give you enough of a clip to understand a concept or thought so you can grasp it from the whole thing and write your unique article from there? Or would you still have to do your own research to write your article?
Would be helpful if it gives you enough research. What do you think?
I think that it would help a little bit. However, the sentences which are shown to you are simply a small fraction and taken out of context.
By that I mean you can have a 3,000-word article about global warming for example, which the software finds and uses in your search results. From this, the content constructor finds one sentence which consists of ten words.
The context of this one sentence can be very different from what the whole article is about – despite the fact that the content constructor – technically – did find a sentence related to your keyword. Nevertheless, you would still need to read the whole article from which it came.
The ten-word sentence which was returned to you as a piece of fact may simply be a joke, or a whimsical comment – in other words, unless you do your due diligence you may be copying “facts” which are total gibberish.
So, to answer your question, yes I suppose it can be useful for research purposes, but you have to be VERY careful.
I hope this helps!
Love your site name! Very funny. The review you did was comprehensive, thorough, and had great points of positive and negative aspects. Great!
I agree about these services being difficult to use and still make it sound personal and not a mash-up style.
I would definitely look into other services before I settled on this one thanks to your review.
I am glad that you shared your honest opinion of that tool for us. While it seems that it searches content well, is that not something that I would trust myself is suppose because of my experience with spinning articles. while it went well at the time I would not trust that concept any longer
Wow I did not know that this type of software existed so for me your post was pretty exciting. I was thinking about all the time that I could save! Then I am thinking how frustrating it would be to have a bunch of sentences that are not in an order to flow and be logical. For me, I know I would spend so much time reorganizing that I would be wasting time. Plus, in addition to the stealing aspect, don’t we want our content to reflect how we speak? Think I will pass on this, thanks for the heads up!
I tend to agree with you here. Although it may seem that content constructor saves time as it does the research for you, you have to spend so much time rewriting the content that you may as well do it from scratch.
The same goes for any spun articles. They just never seem to read properly and you always have to edit them quite a bit before you post them.
I can feel you, Philip. I was searching for the same kind of tool before, as I was facing challenges in writing content in English since I’m from the Philippines.
But then, I realized that instead of looking for a magical tool that would do things on my behalf, I could improve my own writing skill, so that in the future, I can create content confidently, and without guilt on my part.
I agree with you. I believe, blogging is just a way to express ourselves. What serves you with stealing content just to assemble a piece of content that’s fake to yours? Where the essence of blogging have gone there?
I agree Gomer!
You need to make your content an extention of yourself in many ways. Be honest and transparent – the rest will flow naturally.
Hi there!
The software is still a machine so I expect it will copy and paste from somewhere. It’s kinda dangerous if we just go ahead and post it in our website. And I agree with you on the flow of the article. It will sound very stiff since the sentences are forced to go together. I would just write it myself even tho I am not goos at writing but I love the feeling of doing research and writing something on my own. Thanks for the review!
I know content constructor like will never produce good quality content as those that we write ourselves. But what I don’t understand is why even bother creating an apps like this? People who bought and tested will eventually find out the flaw. For me, I’d rather go for freelance writers. That’s a better bet.
I guess these low quality products – like Content Constructor – are created because people are lazy and some probably do not ask for their money back.
Also, there are a lot of poor content writers out there who charge $5 for a 500 word article – perhaps they use this kind of software?
I have to say first and foremost I LOVE the name of your website and I clicked on you just because I was curious. Great review! I saw this software myself the other day and it was when goggling reviews that I came across yours. Thanks for the heads up, stealing others work is something I would want to be doing either so I will give it a miss. Thank you.
I really appreciate your review of the Content Constructor! Everything you said about the downside of this product is something that I totally agree with.
Copied content is not a good idea to have on your site. The search engines don’t like it – they are looking for fresh, original content. As a result, your rankings will suffer which of course, negatively affects your business.
It’s just a far better practice to write posts yourself and, as you say, give it your own personal touch! Readers will appreciate that much more!
Thanks for your honest and thorough review!
All the best,
I can kind of see where the developer was going or wanted to go with this product but I’d have to agree, it just comes off as stealing… just a little bit, even. And grabbing different sentences from different people who have different ideas with totally differing opinions doesn’t really make much sense to me. I would definitely have to pass up this product and just write organically.
Hi Philip,
In fact, I did not even know that there are products like this one here (Content Constructor). Thank you for the review.
In fact, I did not expect great results from it anyway. I do not believe computers can write better than people. Or as you said, all they do is they grab a sentence from here and there and throw together into one article.
Obviously, there is no natural flow in these sentences. It takes time to create it artificially.
I think I am not going to give it a try. But thank you again for letting us know, sir 🙂
I couldn’t agree with you more, cutting and pasting is plagiarism. I know content is king and many people are faced with the issue of ‘not enough time to write content’. I can see how and why these content software are popping all over the place
It is however not advisable to use in my opinion because like you rightly said, the content generally doesn’t read natural. More so, google is currently targeting such tools as bad seo tools.
Thanks for your honesty on the product. It seems like a great idea and like you said has potential, but does not seem like it is quite there yet, especially with trying to put a natural flow to creating content. Perhaps if it is updated and upgraded it could be something to consider using in the future.
Thanks for the great review on this product. This is the sort of product that I would really love as I find it very difficult to write continuously for my blog.
It’s a shame that it is not the done deal, perhaps there is one out on the market somewhere as it is such a good idea. Thank you, cheers Kerry
We are still not at a point in time where software can replace the human touch on a keyboard – article spinners have been trying it for years and failing miserably. At the end of the day, as you point out, by the time you have edited everything you could have written a much better article from scratch!