In this review, I will be looking at a product called 'Earn Easy Commissions', by Chuck Nguyen, and I am going to show you inside the member's area and tell you if this product is going to help you make money online.
Chuck promises that this method is an autopilot strategy to generating commissions online and that you do not need any experience to start earning money.
This is, of course, a very bold claim and I am going to join and take a look for myself.
As always, I have joined as a member and I have worked through the training to make sure it is of the highest quality and will help you build a future for yourself online. The following blog post is based on my opinion only.
What Is 'Earn Easy Commissions'?
As I enter the member's area and watch the first couple of videos it becomes very clear, almost immediately, that this is structured similarly as a Ponzi/pyramid scheme. What's a Ponzi scheme?
I do not like using the word and I use it very carefully because it is a strong opinion but that is exactly what this program looks like, at least in my opinion from what I have seen at the time of joining EEC.
There is no product to sell and there is no tangible assets or services being sold to the public.
Your only purpose is to simply share your affiliate link and you immediately start earning passive and incredibly lucrative commissions when other people join and upgrade their own membership.
You also earn from your referrals new referrals when they join to!

How Does It Work?
The structure for these types of schemes is quite simple.
You join EEC for FREE and when you are inside you are encouraged to join the VIP club which costs $1.000. You are incentivised to join with promises of huge commissions when you invite your own friends and following to join.
You earn money by doing the following:
- You invite someone to join EEC for free and then you get $1.00/$1.20 reward for every qualifying new member.
- They are also encouraged to become a VIP and if they do, you get a 50% ($500) commission.
- You then also get a further 20% commission on the second tier when your referrals ask their friends to join too!
- Furthermore, should your referrals use any other services promoted within the member's area, such as autorsponders or link tracking software, then you also get a commission from those as well!
Multi Layered Affiliate Payouts
As I sat through the training it is clear that the structure of this scheme is a multi-tiered one, and there are two tiers of commissions and also affiliate programs attached to the services you need in order to use this strategy.
Any member that joins under your name is hardcoded to your affiliate link so anything that they buy and anything they do, within the member's area, to further their own progress, you will be compensated for with huge commissions

Screenshot of payout structure
As you can see from the images here, taken from inside the member's area, there is a very clear-cut structure here which resembles that of a Pyramid/Ponzi scheme.

Multi tiered payout structure
Is The Training Good?
There is no training as such because there is no product or service that you are actually selling.
You are simply recruiting others to join and repeat the process you have gone through.
Meaning the only purpose of this membership area is to recruit others to join, so there is no training to be hard because all you have to do is share your link.
Training Provided
The training which is provided is called 'Zero to 10K Journey' and it is a series of 9 videos which show you how you can promote the service and talks about the mentality of being successful.
The training is essentially one long presentation about how you can become more:
- responsible,
- productive,
- profitable,
- and more able to sell the memberships at 'Earn Easy Commissions'.

Testimonials from members's area!
Is 'Earn Easy Commissions' A Scam?
Personally, I do not think this is a scam but it is most definitely very similar to a Pyramid/Ponzi scheme.
Whether or not a pyramid/ponzi lookalike scheme, such as EEC, is illegal isn't for me to discuss, all I can say is that it is a very shady and questionable method of making money online.
This is because multi-tiered memberships like this are completely unregulated and you do run the risk of losing all your investment, in this case, it is over $1,000!
The refund policy, which is clearly visible on the bottom of the page, shows you that there are no refunds which means that you are blindly giving out money without having any legal backing.
Should this website suddenly be taken down, for whatever reason, any money you have invested will be lost and any payment structure or previous commissions you made, which have yet to be paid out, will also be gone.
The Definition Of A Ponzi Scheme
"A Ponzi scheme is closely related to a pyramid because it revolves around continuous recruiting, but in a Ponzi scheme the promoter generally has no product to sell and pays no commission to investors who recruit new "members." Instead, the promoter collects payments from a stream of people, promising them all the same high rate of return on a short-term investment." - and extract from the FTC website... read more.
Would I Recommend It?
Absolutely not!
I will never recommend something like this because of the questionable nature of the ethics of this service.
There is no value to give and there is no purpose behind the service, other than to recruit new members.
Due to the high cost of joining it means that there are always going to be a lot of people who will never make their money back.
People automatically assume that all the friends and family will join them when the reality is the exact opposite.
People shy away from others who are involved in online schemes like this because it reeks of questionable morals and potential financial loss.
I highly recommend that people do not join this type of service, at least that is my opinion.

When Will It Be Shutdown?
Schemes like this will be shut down by the owner as soon as the money stops coming in.
Ponzi schemes work fine until the member stop upgrading to the VIP membership!
Think about it...
- For every single person who joins, EEC pays out $1 to it's members who referred them, if they qualify.
- This means that for every 1,000 new FREE members, one of them HAS to upgrade in order to sustain the cash flow - otherwise the EEC will lose money! If 1,000 new members join but no one upgrades then that is $1,000 which has to be paid out which comes out of the EEC's pocket!
- As soon as the business plan is saturated and new members stop upgrading the balance will shift and, at some point, the whole operation will be shut down by the owner.
- From start to finish the owner, Chuck, takes a large cut from their share of all the VIP memberships. This means the balance can easily be shaken should there be a large period without any new VIP members as his cash flow runs low.
What Does This Review Of 'Earn Easy Commissions' Tell You?
You have to be very careful when you join any service online which promises you easy money!
Even the simplest and seemingly innocent looking money-making opportunity can become a problem for you.
Services like EEC are very difficult to judge because, yes, you can make money but you can also lose a lot of money because your entire profit is totally dependent on you recruiting new members.
I know from experience that a lot of people join these types of services without even really fully understanding what they have to do.
Even more, people join and pay the full VIP membership fee before they even realised that recruiting is a lot more difficult than it seems.
That is why these types of services are so dangerous because there are always going to be a lot of people who do lose their entire life savings.
Hi mate, great content. I am also a member of wealthy affiliate (joined Feb)
Have to be honest my head has been turned recently trying to chase after a faster buck online.
I registered to earn easy commisions and it has been a total ball ache ever since.
I set up a new facebook page to use for marketing and since I did that and tried to promote eec my website has now been blocked by Facebook and Instagram, and the new FB page I created has been disabled now 4 times.
all I have simply done is a few FB ads to groups and I’ve private messaged people with my masked affiliate link (pretty links)
would I be correct in thinking that as far as Facebook is concerned my site is now off limits to them and do I need to consider a re-brand?
Anyway, mate, I have signed up for your mailing list. be cool to talk soon. could do with some guidance. haa
Promoting schemes like this is almost impossible because their links very quickly become flagged as spam. There are thousands of people promoting these links and most of them do just copy and paste everywhere and anywhere. Within a week or two the links are marked and you they are not accepted anywhere.
Hey Philip.
I know that this review is about 11 months old, but not totally agree that there were no products.
For free members, there were no products, just the 0 to 10k series…
But for premium members, there was a lot of products like ebooks, supplement videos, etc. The problem is with EEC, it changes every 2 months lol. I was in for 2 months and made a sale of 500$. I was on the monthly membership. It was 100$ monthly but stopped after getting my commissions. I really like your review, and see that you are also in WA. I started last week with them. they have great stuff.
Unfortunately, I just saw your website today otherwise I would have joined you.
Continue your great work.