Can You Make Money Writing Articles Online

Some people love writing, otherwise, why would there be so many people in the comment sections of social media? But once you become an adult and begin to take on responsibilities the need for money overrides the things that you love most. And that isn’t just the case for those of us who love writing; it is the same for so many of us.

Whether it’s writing, singing, sports, drawing, or any number of things. We always end up putting the things that we are most passionate about on the back burner, and pick up trades or get jobs in fields we absolutely hate, solely because of the need to pay bills.

But what if there was a way for you to get paid for writing? What if you could finally have an income of sitting on your balcony, thinking of topics to write about and watch your words come to life as you punch the keys to form them?

Would you take that opportunity? Of course, you would, and the good news is; anybody is capable of making money writing articles on line.

Ways to make money writing online

One of the greatest things about the economy that we live in today is the amount of opportunities that we are presented with, opportunities that we only have because of the technology that we enjoy. There are so many different platforms that exist for the sole purpose of matching aspiring writers with clients who need things to be written. Some of these platforms are:


Several other sites offer this service, but these are some of the more well-known ones, and these are excellent places to get your foot in the door and gain some valuable experience.

How to get started

In order get started on any of these websites you will, of course, have to set up a profile. Do not skimp on the profiles you make for these accounts, remember this is what potential clients are going to be looking at when determining if you are a good fit for the position.

You should also make sure you have at least a couple of articles or blogs that you have previously written. This means that if you have not yet written anything that has been published, then you need to sit down and write something. Being a writer is not fundamentally different from any other job in this world, you still need to build a resume and have a portfolio that makes you appealing to prospective clients.

What to do once you have gotten your profile set up and your portfolio together

After you have signed up for these sites (and it is recommended that you register for more than one of them) you are well on your way to making your first dollar as a commissioned writer. What you need to do next is equally important.

You absolutely must apply for jobs that are being posted. Try not to be too picky when you are first starting (remember, what you are trying to do right now is to build your portfolio), don’t worry so much about what the job is paying, instead worry more about getting the jobs and beginning to establish a work flow.

Tip: This beginning phase is where you are learning how to deliver what your clients need. It will be a struggle at first because you’re going from writing for yourself to writing for someone else. But, once you learn what clients expect, you will begin to hit a groove, and you’ll find success in no time.

Pitch ideas for articles or blogs to other websites

The downside to working with clients is that you will have to write about whatever they have commissioned you to write about. While you are in between writing assignments, or just when you have some down time, go ahead and write about a topic that interests you.

You always write best when you are writing about something that is close to your heart. So, if you love sports, write about what is happening this week in the NFL. If you love politics, talk about what is going on with passing universal health care laws.

Whatever it is, just make sure it is authentic. And then, you should spend time trying to pitch those articles to already established media outlets.

Tip: You likely won’t hit on the first try, but don’t get discouraged. There is a saying, “Get used to hearing no.” This is extremely relevant in the world of a writer, so be comfortable with rejection, you will land the job eventually.

Write for yourself

While you are spending time getting your writing skills polished by landing gigs on one of the online platforms for writers, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to start your own website. Web sites are relatively cheap to own these days, and some domains will do all of the upkeep for you.

Once you write your blog or article, post it to social media for extra exposure, then your friends will share, and their friends will share it, and so on. Eventually, those articles or blogs will bring traffic to your new website. Which results in advertisers, which leads to “sweet, sweet moolah.”

Wrap – Up

Making money while writing online is certainly an attainable goal. With the technology that we have today, it isn’t at all difficult, nor is it unrealistic for you to think that you make a living out of this.

But it doesn’t mean it is going to be a walk in the park either. Sure, you won’t have to get up and drag yourself to an office every morning. And yeah, you get to work your own hours. But it can be an exhausting endeavor.

When you first start out you will find yourself writing several hours a day and getting less pay than what you would at a regular 9-5. But once you find your footing, you will be happy you stuck with it.

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