Brendan Mace
I’m going to review a product today called Zero Hour Work Days. Anyone reading this who isn’t a stranger to my reviews will know that I’m in the business of reviewing all types of systems that claim to make you money online.
However, these reviews never appear on the Internet until I have bought them myself and thoroughly tested them. So, you’ll always know that I have actually used a system before I set about putting a review in front of you. This way, I can help you to understand which systems will help you make money online and which ones won’t.
So, let’s take a look at this system which is by a man called Brendan Mace and I will share my opinions about this monetization method.
Who Is Brendan Mace? Can You Trust Him?
The first question to answer here is can you trust him? As everyone who is involved with making money online knows, it’s imperative you have confidence in the system you’re about to use. Just to give you a little background, Brendan Mace is a prolific Internet marketer, and he’s released a lot of products.
Such as:
These products are generally about capturing emails and using them in email marketing, much like this one. There are two types of people who are likely to suit this program because it’s not exactly “friendly”. By that, I mean you’re not going to be helping others that much.
This system is purely about making sales and nothing-else. So, if you don’t care about any of that, this might work for you. Personally, I wouldn’t us it because you’re constantly dealing with cold traffic and it really is all about making money rather than adding value to the customer experience.

Can you trust Brendan?
There is no doubt Brendan is a fantastic Internet Marketer but, in my opinion, I would not use most of his methods due to the impersonal and invasive sales techniques he uses.
Is The Training Any Good?
In a nutshell the training is good. Considering it only costs about $15.00 to buy the program, the training that comes with it is very good - I got it for free but I am not sure if that is an ongoing offer.
Once received, you’ll be shown how to use Facebook, Twitter, Solo Ads and Trading Traffic to capture leads and make sales. Using these allows you to get people to your landing page where you can capture their email addresses.
You can then re-target people with a series of follow-up emails in order to make a sale. This is the bread and butter of any Internet business really, you have build a list. Now, this training does work BUT (and it’s a pretty big “but” for certain people).
You have to understand that you’re going in completely cold. The people you’re attempting to sell to have no idea who you are, what you do or anything about your products. In fact, they more than likely won’t be interested in hearing from you at all. It works really well for Brendan because he already has a brand. Potential customers can 'Google' his name and find out all sorts of information.
He has a good reputation and has been in the business for some time now. However, as a beginner you don’t have anything like this. You won’t have any followers, and no real online presence. This makes the training very expensive, and to Brendan’s credit he does outline this during the training.
He explains you will need to put a fair amount of effort in especially when following up on the emails you’ve sent. He also explains that it will take time for you to recoup your money, so it’s imperative you follow through in order to make your investment worthwhile.
The training covers what you need to make money with the method. Suchs as:
- a landing page
- an auto responder
- a website builder
- a hosting provider
- and a few other things I won't get into.
Brendan also goes into good detail about how to hunt down cheap solo ads and how you can maximise your ROI by earning a small amount back on every lead which comes through your funnel, making it more cost effective.

Training inside Zero Hour Work Days
What Is The True Cost?
So, in terms of the true cost, I highly recommend that if you buy (or get a free copy) Zero Hour Work Days you should also buy the lead capture pages. This is essentially a set of pre-made templates geared towards your sales page. As we all know, the sales page on your website is what really matters, If it’s rubbish you won’t make any sales because you will not capture enough leads.
Now, to buy 100 clicks it costs in the region of $30-50. Out of those 100 clicks, you probably won’t get any more than 30 – 40 email addresses. When you add it up, you’re easily going to spend thousands of dollars just to reach a list of about 2 to 3,000 contacts.
This is where I have a problem with this method. You have to have a very high tolerance to losing money, even if it’s not going to be forever. The main problem for me isn’t the cost, it’s the fact that you’re working cold and it could be 3 or 4 months (and several thousand dollars) before you start to see a return. This brings me on to whether you’ll make money using Brendan’s system.

Will You Make Money Using Brendan's Methods?
As you know I’ll always give you an honest opinion, and the short answer to whether or not you can make money using Brendan’s method is yes, you can. However, you have to bear in mind that this type of email marketing has a failure rate as high as say, freelancing, blogging and drop shipping. Many people who are new to email marketing think it’s easy, but as this method proves, it isn’t.
Because of the reasons I’ve stated, the chances are you won’t make money using this method. You have to be in it for the long-term. The first part isn’t difficult: you pay for some solo ads, direct them to your landing page, and capture the email addresses.
After that you’re faced with emailing people off that list every single day telling them who you are, what you do and what you have to offer them. Trust building emails explaining why you do what you do will also be part of your every-day list of things to do as well as following up the follow ups!
If you think about it, it’s going to cost you $60 to get 120 email addresses, and when you look at it this way, it’s easy to see how the cost builds up. The problem is that the click through rate, as the open rate for Brendan’s emails (and he does show you this in the video) is just 6%.

What this means is if Brendan sends 1,000 emails out, only 60 people will actually open the message. Less than half that will click on a link within the email, and only about 5% of those people will buy from him. Meaning, from 1,000 emails you might get 2 sales, totaling roughly $50 in commissions, depending on the product and if you get lucky.
Why Is The Poor CTR A Problem?
Also remember that the products being sold here are not of the best quality so once someone buys something, they are unlikely to buy another product in the future.
When you look at it like this, you can see you’re going to need one humongous list of contacts to stand a chance of making any money using this method. Now, this system does work, there’s no doubt about that.
Every email marketer knows the money is in the list, but the problem with this type of internet marketing is it’s cold – completely cold! The people you’re contacting don’t know who you are, and probably don’t want to be contacted in the first place.
This makes it a very impersonal way of attempting to build a business relationship with a potential customer. In fact, you’re not likely to build any type of relationship with them because it’s all about getting that sale.
The way you overcome this is to simply send out hundreds of emails to every person, over the course of many months, and essentially drown them into submission. Sending out email on a huge scale, over and over again with product placements.

Another way of looking at it is this is the Internet marketing version of cold-calling. All you’re doing is selling, at this stage you’re not offering any value to the customer. This is why I don’t like to use a marketing method like this. It’s quite pushy and is just about selling a product.
If you’re the type of person who likes to make a connection and offer some value to the people you’re contacting this isn’t the program you should be looking at. If you’re not bothered by any of that, then go for it. After all, the system definitely works albeit in the long-term.
When I look at my open rate it’s currently about 35%. This means my readers are 10 times more loyal to me than they are to Brendan. The reason for this is the people I’m in-touch with have come to my site voluntarily. They wanted to hear about what I have to offer. They weren’t just sent to a landing page with a message saying “do you want to earn $500 per day like I do? If so, put your email address here”.
Basically, you’re just sending out emails, there isn’t anything personal about it, and it doesn’t offer the customer any real value. It’s all about volume. You spend your days sending out enormous amounts of emails in the hope that someone will buy from you.

Is Zero Hour Work Days A Scam?
So, is Zero Hour Work Days a scam? No, it definitely isn’t. I just don’t want to use it because I don’t agree with this type of cold-call marketing. For me, I prefer to know I’m offering a potential customer some value, but I can totally understand why some people do it.
If you are going to use this method, I would say be very careful. It will cost you a large amount of money, and it’s completely up to you to ensure it works. Plus, you’re just going to be “rinsing and repeating” every-day. The other fact you have to think about is if someone does buy from you, and three months later they’re still receiving emails from you, the chances are they’ll either unsubscribe or mark the email as spam.
This means you’ll constantly have to keep updating your email list and that means buying more solo ads. Brendan makes his money by selling this product, this is what he sells, and he also makes money from all the affiliate links included within the training modules.
So, he’s not just making money from the product itself, he’s also making money from affiliate programs for all the products inside his training which he promotes. Brendan is very good at what he does, and he really does make $5-10,000 every month without much effort, but this is what he does.
If you’re a complete beginner you’re unlikely to make any money using this program.
Mainly because of the amount of pressure you put yourself under. You’re going to spend hundreds of dollars before you even make one sale, and that money will disappear within the first week or so. Add on to that the amount of time you’ll have to spend building and maintaining your email list, and you can begin to understand why so many people fail using this type of marketing method.
I must reiterate that his program is not a scam, you can make money from it but not without spending a load first. That’s why I don’t use it. I find it too risky, and there is little in the way of business stability simply because you have to keep refreshing your contact list.