In this review, I am taking a closer look at the 'Milk It Method' by Bill Hugall, Tim Verdouw, & Simple Spencer and I am going to show you inside the member's area to show you exactly what you're paying for.
This product promises to show you an easy way to make money online, but will it be that efficient and profitable? As usual, I have purchased this product, and I am going to talk you through the member's area and show you what you paid to get.
The strategy behind this monetization method is to use a basic WordPress review website and video reviews, which you create, in conjunction with Facebook to drive traffic to your landing pages.
Following is based on my opinion as I have paid for the 'Milk It Method' and sat through the training myself to make sure it is of the highest quality.
What Is The Training Like?
I am now going to talk you through the training provided, and I will talk you through the quality and show you any pitfalls you may encounter.
Please bear in mind that this product only $7, so you do get what you pay for here.
But, despite this, I do like this training, and it does contain some very valuable information. Although, it is up to you if you make good use of this information and put it into action.
Bill Hugall is also the creator of Reactor, which I reviewed recently.

Creator Of Milk It Method
Module 1
The first module shows you how you can set up a WordPress website by following their step-by-step video series.
Altogether there is about 25 minutes worth of over the shoulder tutorials on how to:
- install WordPress
- install your theme and a review plug-in
- configuring your sidebar and widget area
- installing other relevant plug-ins
Tim Verdouw does this training and these videos serve the purpose by showing you how to install a basic WordPress review website which you are going to use to make the most out of the Milk it Method.
Module 2
The second module shows you many things:
- how to choose the right offer to promote
- how to get approval to promote offers from product vendors
- how to connect with other vendors and affiliates
- which recording software to use

Some useful traffic sources inside!
This module shows you how you can find right offers to promote using services like to find highly converting offers which you can use to promote on your new website.
Tim talks you through the process of how to apply for your affiliate link and how to be as honest as possible to help you increase your chances of being accepted by the vendor as an affiliate.
You're also shown how to find vendors on Facebook to add as a friend and make a connection with, so they understand who you are and what you want to do. This connection is also essential for your long-term future online because you need to build up a network of people who will help you promote products and support you online.
Module 3
The third module teaches you how you structure a review video. Tim talks you through the process and which elements of a product to talk about and focus on.
He also shows you a way of being able to review the product without actually having access to it, this method isn't ideal, but it will do the job if you are unable to get free review access.
You are then taught how to build a landing page to which you drive traffic to capture email leads.
The module is completed by Tim showing you how to install a Facebook pixel with which you can capture which users visit your pages so you can retarget them with paid ads.
I am not quite sure how this is going to work because I know for a fact that Facebook does not allow 'make money online' advertising - but we will see how the training unfolds.
Module 4
The last module covers how the 'Milk it Method' works as a whole and you're given an overview of how to use.
Tim talks you through a small presentation where he shows you the relationship between:
- your landing page
- your opt-in page
- your blog review
- your email sequences.

Inside The Members Area Of Milk It
You are also given clear instructions on how to utilise Facebook to drive highly targeted traffic to your landing pages.
You are also given clear instructions on how you can add value to your Facebook following by giving them content such as:
- valuable tutorials and free information
- screenshots of the profits
- engage with them on a human level
- segment your audience into relevant, targeted lists
- and so on...
You're also given an overview of seven moneymaking posts which you can use Facebook to drive traffic to your website.
And finally, you are shown how you can create a fan page for your own personality/website and how you use the Facebook pixel to create highly targeted ad campaigns to drive targeted visitors back to your site.
I do have a few reservations about this method so if you're reading this then make sure you buy The Milk It Method through my link because then you get my bonus which is very valuable.
What I Did Not Like About 'The Milk It Method'
The strategy is by no means unique as there are many variations of this strategy out, Ignition is the first one that springs to mind.
The training is also quite segmented and broken up where you, as the customer, have to fill in the blanks quite a lot. For example:
When you set up your WordPress website.
You're given a grand total of 25 minutes of instructions on how to set up a website with plug-ins and installing a theme.
Which is all very good but I can tell you from experience that the learning curve when it comes to learning how to use WordPress is quite steep which means a lot of newbies will be completely lost at this point because they will not understand how to edit the website efficiently.

Do not expect to be rich too soon, ok?
Choosing offers to promote as an affiliate.
Here is another example where the training does fall a little bit short. Yes, you are shown how to find a product and apply for permission to promote but you are not taught how to evaluate the quality of the product themselves.
It seems to me that the idea is you merely promote any product you want without really considering the quality of that product and whether or not it will actually help anybody.
I do not like this because I know from experience that most products out there are simply there to make money without any consideration to its customers or the people who lose money as a result of using said product.
Will You Make Money With This?
I must admit I do quite like this training, despite how fragmented it is.
If you were to implement the strategy coherently and sensibly then yes you will start to see money coming in.
You will not be rich overnight and will take some time to build up a brand and following online but this method is real, and it will work.

Would I Recommend 'The Milk It Method'
I would recommend you buy The Milk It Method because it does contain some valuable information.
I do agree that the training is a little bit scattered and there is a very reasonable chance that any beginner will be very confused, but you have to remember that you are only paying $7 for the service.
You do get what you pay for! When was the last time you paid seven dollars for any kind of training course, or anything for that matter, and expected the highest quality?
Therefore on a purely informational basis, I would recommend buying this because there are some snippets of information inside which will help you leverage your traffic stream and sales funnel to make more money online.
My Custom Bonus To Help You!
I'm delighted to announce that I have created my very own, first ever, custom bonus to go along with The Milk It Method.
Due to the fragmented nature of this program, I have created an 30 minute-long tutorial where I talk you through the entire member's area and show you what to do within the sections that are too fragmented for you to make up your mind on what to do.
I will give you resources and directions on how to avoid stumbling blocks and how to avoid the pitfalls that are prone to appear within this type of strategy.
This bonus is only available if you buy it through the link on this page.