'Income Elite Team' is a product by Steve Peirce, Rob Wass, David Sharpe and Marie Simpson, and in this review, I am going to take a closer look at it and make sure it's going to help you make money online.
This service is very outdated and it was brought to my attention when I noticed it was still making sales even though it is 8 years old. so, I thought I would take a closer look.
Income Elite promises to show you how you can replicate their success by emulating their sales strategies and product placements online but given the age of the service I wonder if it's still up to date and that is what I'm going to assess in this review.
As always this is purely my own personal opinion because I buy the product, I try it and I gauge if I think it's going to help you make money online.

What Is Income Elite?
Income Elite Team is essentially a platform containing a whole host of training material and products which will help you make money online.
All the training material is in the form of ebooks, video tutorials and PLR content.
The main monetization methods consist of:
- Email Marketing
- Digital product creation
- PLR digital products reselling
- Copywriting
- Flipping websites
- Property investment
- YouTube and web 2.0 marketing
... and many more
Essentially what do you get inside is a huge collection of various ’make money online schemes’, all delivered in various forms.

Old Fashioned Marketing Strategies & Damaging SEO Practises
Unfortunately, the vast majority of the training material is outdated and contain old-fashioned SEO strategies, monetization methods and online marketing techniques.
It is clear that this product was created about 10 years ago, in 2008, and by the looks of the content, I would guess that it has not been updated since.
There are countless broken links, which are supposed to link out too valuable sources, and all the PDFs and training videos are heavily outdated, dating back to 2008.
This poses very obvious issues due to the Google algorithm updates in the last 10 years, including Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird, which would, of course, nullify most of these SEO practices and marketing strategies.
Let me give you some examples:

Backlinks, Article Directories & PLR Content
Throughout this training, you are shown many methods of making money online. However, after reading through some of them I can see that they heavily rely on outdated methods.
For example, a lot of the so-called product sales are simply PLR content would you re-price and upload to places like Trade Bit or ClickBank so you can sell them on to your customers.
Given the fact that the PLR content you're uploading and selling is so outdated there is literally very little chance you will ever sell a single copy. Even if you did manage to sell one, it would be refunded very quickly as the customer realised they had been sold and outdated and overpriced digital product.
Many of the eBooks and training material which is available continuously mention article directories and backlinking which, to be honest, died a death on the SEO graveyard back in 2012. Check out what Matt Cutts say about article directories.
Building low-quality backlinks and submitting poor value articles to article directories like Ezine Articles or Hub Pages has not been an acceptable practice for quite some time.
This very much compounds how out of date this training is. Why it is still for sale I do not know. They even mention Squidoo.com in a lot of their training which was sold to HubPages in 2014.

Why Is It Still For Sale?
To be honest there are many outdated products out there which have never been taken down by the author. so the fact that this is still for sale is not really a big deal.
However, Income Elite Team is still getting sales. Even after all these years, I can see that the people are still buying this which is not only surprising but also quite dangerous.
As you can see from my review the SEO practices and strategies they promote are heavily updated to the point where it will damage your website and business.
So I guess the only reason this is still for sale is that it is still making money. Regardless, it is a great shame that the authors have not bothered updating it.
How Can I Claim A Refund?
If you have purchased this product and you want to claim a refund then follow this link to the ClickBank refund instructions and you should be able to claim a refund within 60 days.

Can You Make Money With Income Elite?
It is extremely unlikely you will make money using any of these strategies, at least that is my opinion. Because the training material is so outdated, even if the strategy is reliable, the implementation and execution will be completely incorrect.
During the training videos that the author displays he is using Windows XP which has not been in use for quite some time.
Any instructional videos or text will be outdated and will hold no relevance to any modern interfaces or integration.
Also, most of the links to external resources outside the training platform are broken which means half of your training resources are cut off.
This means you are unable to access resources and help documents associated with the training material and implementation strategies.
So even if you did try and use the strategies you would be using broken information, outdated strategies and you would struggle to even setup any campaigns or marketing strategies as a result.