Once you start a personal blog within any niche, it can sometimes become tricky to drum up new ideas for your posts. We are only human and writer’s block is the Achilles heel of many a blogger!

There is nothing worse than when you are staring blankly at a WordPress editor page and wondering what to write about. Any blogger would be a liar if they said that it never happens to them!

So let me share a top tip on how to find personal blog post ideas.

To Find New Blog Post Ideas – Read Your Own Content!

The simplest and best way to come up with new content ideas is to read your older posts and seek inspiration from them. This also a great way of creating internal linking within your website – which Google loves!

Shall I Show You An Example? I can show you what I mean right here, in this blog post, right now.

Live example with this blog post!

In the image below you will see I found an idea for a new blog post simply by writing/reading this article. By reading the last paragraph, I saw the perfect anchor text for a new blog post idea.

I can make the “way of creating internal linking” as an idea for a new blog post. It can be about anything related to those words. All I have to do now is to do some keyword research, and I have a brand new topic for a new blog post.

After a little bit of keyword research, I came up with a title for a new blog post called “make internal links with HTML.” It was really that simple, and it took me probably about 3 minutes.


Finding A Blog Post Idea Is Good For SEO

By utilizing this method, you are also fulfilling a Google criteria as well by creating internal links. Google likes to see internal links within your website because it makes it easier for the crawling spiders to index your pages.

How else is Google supposed to know what your website is about? By linking your content together, using relevant keywords, you can very quickly build a relevant and thorough linking structure for the search engines to index.

The Benefit Of Using This Method

The main benefit of using this method is that you do not get distracted, and you stay on topic. I used to use places like Pinterest and Facebook to seek inspiration. I would wave through inspirational boards on Pinterest under the “blogging” niches and read a lot of really fresh and inspiring posts, but I always got distracted.


Suddenly I realised I had spent one hour reading about some guy who has some excellent ideas on how to arrange your weekly posting schedule on your blog. He had some super tips but I was writing an article on an entirely different topic so wasted a lot of time simply “researching”.

I would not say it is a complete waste of time, but social media has a way of dragging you off course. By reading your content, you will always get relevant and purposeful ideas.

Let The Ideas Flow Naturally

What you will find is after a while you automatically create links of this nature and find new blog posts ideas without even thinking about it. On a personal level, this is fantastic because you will always find relevant ideas within your content.

This post is no more than 500 words long, but I can already see 5 or 6 content ideas as I am typing these words. It’s so great when you find inspiration within your own work. This will keep a personal touch to your content as well and ensure you never lose sight of your niche as everything will remain relevant!

I find this method to be the best way to find new personal blog post ideas. What do you think? Leave a comment below!

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  1. I’ve got about 200 posts on my site and now have started going back to branch off and semi-resurrect older posts that I can work with again. I am starting to love repurposing content because it’s easier than coming up with something from scratch!

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