Bones Rodriguez is an actor, writer and online entrepreneur and this is my review of one of his products called, Part Time Blogger, Full Time Freedom.
This training program shows you how you can create a blog which captures email leads. You then take these leads and promote products and services related to the audiences' niche. The traffic for the initial leads come from paid advertising through Facebook.
This blog post is based on my opinion after using this product.
As far as I can tell, the copy I have purchased, from, is from a 're-seller' of this product so my opinions are based on my experience using the version presented to me by this re-seller.
I only mention this because the first upsell I received was for a re-seller license and it is clear that this is not actually Bones's website. This means I have been sold a copy of this training which may not be complete or presented in a complete fashion, but I am working on the assumption that it is.

So, is Part Time Blogger, Full Time Freedom worth the money? What exactly is the training like? Let's take a look!
My Personal Experience
When I first joined, I am greeted by the smiling face of Bones Rodriguez and I am giving a brief overview about the course.
In the next video Bones goes on to show you how quick and easy it is to create a blog with and he shows you the basics of inserting an affiliate link from ClickBank, just so you get an idea of the process of Affiliate Marketing and how the traffic flow turns into conversions.
This is a perfectly valid video, however it is becoming clear very quickly that this is not about bringing value to the customers, but about making sales cheaply and quickly.
I quite like this Bones guy. He certainly has the go-get attitude that encapsulates the online entrepreneur spirit! He is a great speaker and I can see why people use him as a keynote speaker and corporate training, as mentioned on Bones' personal website.
Then there are a further 3.5 hours worth of Google hangout recordings of Bones talking about the process of making money online with his method and the mentality you need to have in order to succeed.
However that is where my alarm bells start kicking in a little bit. It seems the only purpose behind this training is to get you to sign up to his affiliate links inside the training area.
In order to make full use of this training you are urged to join services like Empower Network (now updated within the training to Power Blog by Power Lead System. You are also encourage to join where you are offered more upgraded features in the 'DIAMOND' membership.
As I sit through the 5 hours or so, (including a webinar by Franco G) it becomes clear that this training was made with one purpose, to get people to join Power Lead System.

Is The Training Helpful?
There is very little about the actual Facebook ads or even how to create a website. I think out of the 5 hours there is maybe 25 minutes of showing you how to do things, the rest is simply a physiological sales pitch by Bones to get you to join his affiliate programmes.
Even then there is no real method shown because the instruction on how to create a Facebook ad and how to create a blog is so vague there is no value there.
I show an example in the video at the top of this blog post where Bones half heartedly shows you how to add an affiliate link and talks about how to write content for your blog - it is clear he just wants you to join the premium training, over at Power Leads, which will show you all the ins and outs of blogging, etc. He does not want to show you himself because then he won't get paid!
Outdated Training
The training itself is heavily outdated. Most of the webinars were filmed in August of 2015 and the actual method taught is incredibly poor value for the people who end up visiting these web pages through the paid traffic.
The idea is that you place adverts on Facebook for a blog post you wrote and once people come to your blog post there are product placements.
However, the examples shown are the stereotypical micro blog - Google Sniper - type blog where the is no content. The only content is the 500 word blog post, which is thin and completely worthless, which gives the illusion of a proper website.
From there it is just a numbers game. Pump as much traffic as you can to the site and you will get sales and a ton of emails you can spam with equally low quality products.
The end game is NOT to give value to anyone. Just to make sales.
Bones does touch on the fact that you can add more value but makes no more mention of it other than in a vague passing manner, before he returns to promoting his true agenda.
Poor Quality Training
Bones even says in this training that you not need to know if the product you are selling is any good or not, because you will just change it to another one if you get complaints.
He compares it to a supermarket and says that a manager of a supermarket does not know every single product. A rather odd comparison if you ask me.
As an affiliate it is your duty to test any product you promote. Especially when you are dealing with digital Internet Marketing products which can cost people thousands of dollars if they are misguided and duped into buying something that does not work!
The only exception to this rule if you are promoting a national brand like Google Adwords or something similar where their integrity and quality is never even an issue but a personal preference.
Is this method legitimate?
Yes, the method you are shown here - using blogs and paid ads to capture email leads - is legitimate and it is a must for all Internet Marketers. However, this particular method is at the bottom of the food chain in terms of ethical use and the end goal here is purely sales.
Not customer satisfaction or giving value to your readership. Just sales. Which product? Who cares, just sales. Which, to be honest, is understandable but would you really want your name attached to that?
The second strategy, which is the focal point, is only borderline legal. I will cover that now...

Will You Make Money?
Well, yes and no. I think you probably will make sales but the cost of the upsells and extra training you will need to pay for is going to cost you.
The people making the money are Bones and his friends over at Power Lead System.
Power Lead System is platform which heavily emphasises the value of recruiting new members and have an incredibly lucrative 100% commission system which is very similar to a pyramid system.
This is the purpose of Part-Time Blogger Training Modules, it has nothing to do with blogging or Facebook ads, ok. It is simply a portal to get you to join Power Leads System.
Once you are in you will also start promoting the Power Leads system because the payouts are incredible, as you get paid a cut of your referrals referrals.... if that makes sense.
This video will explain...
This is why the training no good
So you can see, this is why the initial training by Bones is so fluffy and more about the sales pitch, rather than the actual training. The training is just a facade to get you to join and pay for the training at Power Leads System.
I have not tried Power Leads System and I am sure their compensation plan works great but I would not feel comfortable producing low quality products and sales pages purely for this end goal. I would perhaps use it, if I thought it was honest and genuine, in conjunction with a real and honest monetizing strategy.
However, I would not create a thin training module, as Bones has, just to get referrals to join under my name so I can earn huge commissions.
My Overall Opinion About Part-Time Blogger, Full-Time Freedom
In my opinion, I would recommend you avoid this product. If you want to give it a try then by all means but please be careful. Consider the points I have made here and move with caution.
The training itself is not great and serves only to recruit new members for Bones Rodriguez. Despite the fact that he genuinely seems like a nice and genuine guy I do not agree with his methods of making money online, as an affiliate marketer.
Have you ever used this service? Had a positive or negative experience? Please do leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!