This review, will reveal a few things about the Instant Rewards Network so if you a curious about whether or not you should join, then read on.
Unfortunately, this service is very low quality and I would certainly not recommend you waste your time with Instant Rewards Network.
In my opinion, It is no more than a low quality rewards website which tried to compensate people, in return for testing services such as GoDaddy or Credit rating companies.
However, the only way to make money is to recruit new members to join and complete trial offers.

My Rating:
Avoid at all costs.
A Comprehensive Review Of Instant Rewards Network
The idea behind reward networks such as this is that Fortune 500 companies reward you, in return for trying their services and products. The idea is that you join, try a product and then once you have completed a certain amount of offers, you are qualified to recruit others to join.
This gives the Fortune 500 companies valuable information about you as a demographic and allows them to analyse the statistics on their side to increase conversions, etc. etc..
However, it soon transpires that the only way to actually make any money from these types of services is to recruit new members to join and complete offers, under your affiliate link, which is unrealistic and not sustainable.

You yourself have to complete between 1 and 5 offers in order to quality to receive a reward for referring others to join and go through the same process. When your referrals join and complete their own offers, you get paid.
Other network like this include;
- Freebie Money Printer
- Instant Payday Network
- Project Payday
There is nothing new about these types of service, they have been around for a long time now.
The whole process feels cheap and tedious, more about that in a minute. You will also soon discover that you have no way of getting any referrals to join.
Is It A Scam?
No, I would not say so. They are genuine and the service they supply does pay you. However, the amount of time and effort to complete offers and to attract referrals does not compensate you at a satisfactory rate.
You cannot make money using this system because it is not sustainable. Sure, there must be people who do manage to get a large amount of referrals but these are far and few between.
Even their Facebook page, which has over 26,000 members, is completely dead with almost no interaction on any posts, even though there a fresh posts being posted all the time.
You will see a lot of other reviews which share my point of view here.
Too Much Personal Information Needed
When you sign up to join, Instant Rewards Network needs way to much personal information for my liking. They want your date of birth, phone number and full address, along with your PayPal e-mail.
I realize that they need to make sure you are a real person but they do not need this information. When you complete these offers, the Fortune 500 companies take your personal information, why would IRN need them as well?
In this day in age, with identity theft, I do not see why they would need so much. The instructional video which talks you through the form tells you it is to stop fraud. Do you think a fraudster could not find a fake address?
Is Instant Rewards Network Worth The Money?
Nope. Definitely not. The amount of time you would need to spend to find any referrals will far outweigh the rewards. Unless you already have some avenue where you could potentially use this, then it is a waste of your time.
These types of 'offers' are low quality and they are not something most people would bother with. If you sent me an offer for 14 day free trial for some random software I have never heard of, would you join? No.
The only traffic sources you will find for this is low quality and spam-like.
You are going to have to post on craigslist, forums, hand out flyers and do anything you can to get a pathetic $5 commission, if you are lucky.

Problem You Will Face
There are a number of problems you are going to face when tying to promote a service like Instant Rewards Network.
The whole website itself feels cheap and there is no authority being portrayed. Even the homepage is outdated and the video has clearly been made on - which is never a good sign!
Along with the initial sign up process, which is unnecessarily long, your opt-in rate is going to be exceedingly low at best!
The Offers Are Complicated & tedious
Even if you managed to find any referral, they themselves have to complete between one and five offers BEFORE you get paid. This will decrease your chances of success even further because most people will not do this as soon as they find out how much effort is involved in completing these offers.
A simpler option for you would be to complete surveys. Similar kinda thing with low payouts but it is much more sustainable and you don't rely on getting referrals. You won't be rich but if this type of thing floats your boat then take a look.
For example: You can see the terms and condition here for an offer from the Nielsen Netrating Comapny. They want you to download and install a piece of software and leave it installed for 14 days before you finish this offer. This offer is only worth 0.10 credits. Which means you would have to do 10x of these types of offers to qualify to earn from your referrals?? No thank you!

Offers Give Very Low Amount Of Credit
The amount rewarded to complete offers are also way too low. You can see in the screenshot below that even the featured offers only offer 0.20 or so credits, meaning you would have to do at least 3x offers before you could even start earning from your referrals.
Even then, how many of your referrals do you think would bother to complete these offers? You would only get paid once they completed the offers, not before.

The Affiliate Program
Within the program you are given training material on how to attract visitors to your affiliate link so you can get referrals to join. Methods include:
- Craigslist advertising
- Classified Advertising
- Facebook and social media advertising
- Paid Advertising
- Traffic Exchange
- Forum Posting
There is also a section on pre-written scripts for email follow ups and texting so you can contact your leads in order to bring them back and help them complete offers.
The Training Quality
The training quality here is very poor. There is a lot of information available but they are all summed up in one simple page for each method. There are whole courses on how to promote your affiliate links on all these platforms, why is their training so thin?
They cover the core basic of the marketing methods listed above but do not cover anything in-depth enough to make then efficient enough to produce any reasonable opt-in rates or conversions.
One other thing I would like to mention is the methods they have chosen. They want you to post on forums, and they even mention traffic exchanges! These are incredibly poor choices to produce quality leads.
Every single section within the training area is thin and is not going to help you become a better affiliate for Instant Rewards Network.
I was quite surprised they mention texting. They actually want you to text people's phones. I would be incredibly irritated right now if I started getting promotional texts from these guys, telling me to come back and complete offers. Not a good method to promote yourself.
Will You Get Referrals?
With the training they have provided, no. At least no referrals that will actually complete offers and help you make money.
The traffic sources you have for these types of offers are very cheap and low quality. Meaning you are going to need a LOT of referrals before you actually convert one to become a qualified referral.
Even then the payout is so small that your hourly rate is going to less than minimum wage!
Does Instant Rewards Network Work?
This rewards website will probably not work for you. I will agree that there are people making money from these kind of sites but they are a minority. The vast majority will only waste their time and probably get a lot of spam emails instead from the offers they joined.
Instant Rewards Network will not work for the majority of people and I would recommend you avoid using this service to try and make money online.
Have you used this service and made money? Please do share your points of view in the comments section below.