In this review, I'm looking at a brand-new service released today, 16th of July 2018, called 30 Day Success Club.
The service promotes an easy and straightforward way of making money online without requiring any skill at all.
Intrigued by this claim, I purchased a copy to look for myself.
BIG NEWS! I am releasing my first product! Check it out! -
The method involves driving traffic to a pre built website which is populated with ClickBank products. This strategy has its advantages because it is very beginner friendly and you require zero setup time; however, it does have some severe limitations.
In this review, I will talk you through everything the is to know about the 30 Day Success Club so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not this is for you.
Will you make easy commissions and become a full-time affiliate marketer?
The following is based on my own opinions after I purchased this service.
How Does It Work?
The method itself is very straightforward. You use the software inside to build a very basic website which is filled with ClickBank products.
These products are branded with your affiliate link from ClickBank and when someone buys something you get paid a commission.

Sales page is incredibly misleading
This is a normal way for low-quality affiliate marketing products to suck newbie marketers in because it looks very appealing on the outside.
You would think that there is a huge benefit to have a pre built website like this, but it isn't.
I will tell you more about that in a minute, for now, back to how 30 Day Success Club works.
All the products inside your pre built website offer some kind of freebie, or low cost tripwire product, to get people to opt-in or buy a service.
This means that when somebody does sign up to one of these products via your website you are then able to collect commissions and any future product purchases they make with that vendor associated with the product they opted in to.
All you have to do; is drive as much traffic as you can to your website to expose people to all the products inside.
Will You Make Money Using This Strategy?
I think it is improbable you will make any money using this strategy because there are some fundamental flaws in the thinking and the purchase cycle behind this method.
This strategy shares very similar characteristics with other products I have written about, such as; Five Minute Profit Sites and eCom Profit Sniper, where they always promote these kinds of "one click pre built" business models which never actually work!
I will do my best to explain why I do not think you will make money using this service.

You can build a website in 30 seconds. Pointless, but it is quick!
No.1 - Driving Traffic Will Be Hard!
The biggest issue you will face is driving traffic to your website. You can forget about any SEO attempts because there is no content and you have no access to your cPanel or website dashboard to add keyword rich blog posts or engaging content.
You can also forget about any paid advertising because services like Facebook or Google are unlikely to approve an advert which promotes this kind of website.
This is because there is no value here and there is no content and so getting approved is going to be hard. Even if you did get approved there is no landing page, and there is no sales funnel so you wouldn't even get any conversions.

The so called "fool proof" traffic sources are worthless!
The guide you get inside with free traffic sources contain the usual spammy strategies, including:
- Forum posting
- Guest blog posting
- Social media
- Leaving comments
- YouTube videos
Read more about why you should not posts links for money.
These types of free traffic strategies will result in some clicks to your website but ultimately the conversion rate will be virtually zero, and to continuously drive more traffic you have to be on your computer day and night; effectively spamming your website URL everywhere.
In other words, your hourly commission rate is going to be less than a few cents an hour if you're lucky.
No.2 - You Are Forced To Buy The Upgrades!
You are forced to by upgrades to make it work properly.
If you want to take full advantage of the strategy with email follow-ups and the ability to build more websites you are forced to purchase the upgrades.
They lock your ability to use an autoresponder and capture email leads when someone opts in via your website and they also block your ability to create more websites.
This type of strategy is very unfair because they hold you to ransom where you have to spend more money and given the weak business model of the approach it is a huge price to pay.
OTO's - Upgrades Available
Email Compatibility - $37
This enables you to integrate an autoresponder like Aweber or GetResponse so you can capture leads and use follow up emails to promote your products.
3x More Sites - $47
This enables you to build more websites so you can, in theory, increase your brand impressions on your links and drive more traffic.
Heatmaps - $47
This enables you to get detailed analytics on your website. You can see exactly where people are clicking on your website and which pages they are visiting.
This one seems like a complete waste of time to me. If you have no access to your cPanel or have the ability to edit your website; what difference does it make if you know any of these analytical statistics?
You can't make any changes so what difference does it make if you see that a certain product is popular?

This just simply is not true!
No.3 - No Long Term Stability
There is no long-term stability using this method because you don't host the website yourself. You own the domain, but you have zero access to your site, and you are unable to make any changes to anything.
You can't edit pages, change the theme or have any control of your websites content.
This means that when the service stops working or the owner takes down the hosting you will lose your website.
So even if it did work and you did make money, you have no long-term stability.
No.4 - You Will Have Low Conversion Rates
To make conversions, when selling affiliate products, you have to have some kind of presell page or bridge page to warm up your audience.
If you send your traffic to a generic homepage littered with dozens of products you will not make any commissions because the traffic is so untargeted and cold.
You have to remember that when someone does click on your link and arrives on your homepage, there is no guidance there and there is no targeted landing page.
So, your click through rate on your website's content will be very low, and even when they get to your homepage, they do not know where to go because the visitor needs to be shown what they want.
In other words, there is no congruency between the location where you left your link and the landing page the visitor lands on.
This will lead to an unbelievably low conversion rate!
Would I Recommend 30 Day Success Club?
I would definitely not recommend you use this service. I do agree that on the outside it does look like a great idea but from a practical and an affiliate's point of view, there is no point in using a method like this.
I do feel my review of 30 Day Success Club shows you that to make money online you do have to have your own website with full access and the ability to change and adapt so you can create proper sales pages and give value to customers.
If you have any personal experience using the service, then please do let below in the comment section and I would love to hear from you.
This company ecomprofitsnipper, click
Took my money from my account and refused to give it back. It’s been almost 6 months if not more.
I need advice on what to do.
This is wrong they promised money back.
Hi. If it has been six months then you cannot get your money back. The money back guarantee is 60 days. So sorry to hear you lost your money here but there is nothing I can do to help.