Hi everyone,

My name is Owain. I am an affiliate marketer and I make money through my Genealogy Guide blog. I am a family man and have a wonderful wife and two beautiful girls. I owain contributing authorwant to work from home to become a reality, not only for me but for them as well. While pursuing my dream I work a regular job and have a busy family life.

Now that the formalities are out of the way let me tell you more about my story, how I started on this road and my journey so far.

I first started to look into making money online about four years ago. I looked at all the different ways that this could be done. I looked at Facebook marketing, creating websites, making YouTube videos and apps, and even doing surveys.

I spent so much time researching what was the best way for me to make money online. What with the Internet containing so much information and being so accessible this was my first port of call. But I soon got tired off all the get rich schemes that I found online.

So I turned my attention to borrowing books from my local library. By reading books I had an unbiased view on this subject. I must have borrowed at least 20 different books and read them all from cover to cover.

Despite spending so much time researching this subject I was no sooner from actually starting out in this new world. The only decision that I had made was that I wanted to become an affiliate marketer. This was I felt the best way for me to make my dream a reality.

And that was the end of my dream for three years. In that time my wife and I were blessed with a beautiful daughter. Even though I had a young family and was supporting them I never once forgot about my dream.

Then in June 2016 something inside of me awoke my dream and I started again to see what I could do to make it real.

At that time I came across Wealthy Affiliate and quite literally I haven’t looked back. Through their training I created my first website and with their help I actually took my first step in this adventure.

Before joining WA I had became lost and overwhelmed with all the different aspects of online marketing. But WA took my hand and put me on my journey.

I must admit that sales are far and few between at the moment. However, I have received so much support from the WA community. And this has been greatly appreciated when at times I haven’t met goals that I was expected. They have helped me to push on with this online adventure.

Through WA I have turned my passion of genealogy into a niche website providing family historians with tips and guidance to help them with their hobby. By giving people what they want on my site I know that one day I will become a full-time affiliate marketer.

I will continue to work on my site and watch my social media following grow. I want to make my genealogy site the number one go to site and I will not stop until I make this happen.

So here’s looking to the future and what it will hold for me.